Door Knocking Etiquette

SweetKimberly's Avatar
One of the main concerns of a provider is traffic coming in and out of our incall. Discretion and silence goes a long way in this business. It only takes one nosey neighbor to mess up a great thing.

I don't mean to insult anyone's intelligence but this needs to be addressed.

The "do's and don'ts" of knocking on a provider's door:

1. ALWAYS give a courtesy call from your vehicle upon arrival to let us know your are here.

2. If there is a doorbell.....PLEASE RING THE DOORBELL

3. If no doorbell please GENTLY tap on the door. We are expecting you. You do not have to disturb the entire building/community with a loud banging sound.

1. DO NOT show up 20 minutes early and knock on our door with no warning. We may be finishing up with another client, be in the shower, on the phone, etc. This is why we SET APPOINTMENTS!

2. DO NOT bang on a provider's door with your fist as if the building is on fire.
Sometimes clients bang so loud it knocks me out of my chair. It makes me think APD is at my door. Sometimes it takes 10 to 15 minutes into the session for my heart to return to my chest.

Please simply abide by these rules and you and your provider will have a wonderful session.

phaedrus's Avatar
Ok, I think I've already been following all your advice, but you failed to address one of the most important knocking issues....

What rhythm should we us when we knock?
I personally have always gone with "shave and a haircut / two bits"
SweetKimberly's Avatar
That is fine......just do it with a GENTLE tap please. Ha! Ha!

Two gentle taps would be great!

OMG! I feel like a school marm!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Not to say you are incorrect, but I have never done #1 of your "DOs" - Always give a courtesy call from the vehicle. Just never thought about it. I set an appointment and I go to the in-call at exactly the correct time. I have met my responsibility. If the lady is not there or running late, I would expect her to give ME a courtesy call.

Interested to hear other's opinions.
FWR's Avatar
  • FWR
  • 06-23-2011, 02:04 PM
I have been doing the call/txt lately. it works grea, the lady is opening the door as I get to it. No waiting on the step as other people look to see who is going in. I feel very comfortable using the I am here call/txt to speed the entrance and make sure the lady is ready.
SweetKimberly's Avatar
SpeedRacer if you arrive EXACTLY on time there is no need for a call when you get there. That's cool. Especially if you are a regular client. However a lot of clients usually show up about 10 to 15 min early with no call.....they just bang on the door when they get there. The main reason for the thread is the LOUD BANGING on our doors for all the neighbors to hear.
Baloney Pony's Avatar
Howdy, Folks!

Everyone's different.

One provider kinda threw me for a loop with her instructions, but when you think about it, makes sense:

- She asked that I come to her incall, NOT to knock, just come in, close the door, lock it, and announce myself that I was there.

She is extremely well reviewed, so while I thought them odd - I had no issue with these instructions, and we had a wonderful session.

As stated above, thinking about it - neighbors won't here constant knocking at her door, and so are far less likely to wonder what's going on.

There it is..
  • Paven
  • 06-23-2011, 03:08 PM
No knocking or ringing of bells works best for me. I can see the gent pull into my private driveway through my peep hole and I open the door as soon as he approaches and I invite him in, he has already been instructed not to ring or knock. I am standing behind the door though.
budman33's Avatar
Cop Knocks are bad? shit...
Great thread. I do the same as Paven mentioned.
Sometimes you ask a gent not to knock and he does it anyway.
I remember sharing an incall with a lady a long time ago, and she would walk out her client and hug and kiss him in the parking lot. The neighbors finally caught on. I have been using this no knocking rule ever since.

Thanks for sharing.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
SpeedRacer if you arrive EXACTLY on time there is no need for a call when you get there. That's cool. Especially if you are a regular client. However a lot of clients usually show up about 10 to 15 min early with no call.....they just bang on the door when they get there. The main reason for the thread is the LOUD BANGING on our doors for all the neighbors to hear. Originally Posted by SweetKimberly
I couldn't agree more. That's just bad.
I personally have always gone with "shave and a haircut / two bits" Originally Posted by phaedrus
that's my knock, too! dang Bugs Bunny...
GneissGuy's Avatar
If you don't have a doorbell, wireless doorbells are really cheap. Attach with double stick tape or some such. Or double stick tape and velcro.

And ladies, when you have a client about to arrive in the next half hour or so, ANSWER YOUR GODDAMNED PHONE!!!!

Since every provider has her own protocol, it's really up to her to let the client know what to do when he arrives: call/text from the car, knock/tap/ring, walk in, etc.

The less he has to wonder about what to do, the less room there is for error.

But banging on the door is just gauche :P
  • Paven
  • 06-23-2011, 08:59 PM
that's my knock, too! dang Bugs Bunny... Originally Posted by Datura