Best escort agencies to work for?

A friend of mine is a freelance escort who is thinking about moving to Chicago and would like to know what the best escort agencies are to work for. I remember discussing this with her a few years ago and coming across an escort agency that was run by women and seemed to be particularly focused on treating the women well, but we haven't been able to remember its name or find out if it still exists.

Anyway, my friend is attractive and popular as a freelancer, but she would like to have help finding bookings if she visits Chicago, and she wants to work for an agency that treats women with respect and helps ensure their safety. Any recommendations?
Hello,if she is a freelance escort then she probably prefers to work for herself instead of handing off 50% to an agency. But if agency is her choice she can try
I've been working on a directory of escort websites and agencies, you can see more at
I know this is an older thread but just in case anyone is reading this for pointers in the future: I’ve worked for ece and it wasn’t horrible, but I still wouldn’t confidently recommend. I’ve also worked for Wetnwild and can confidently recommend far against it to anyone that’s curious. Seriously, very unprofessional, ran by a bad guy. Everyone I’ve talked to IRL that’s worked for him has had the same experience as me. Stay safe out there!