You Know You're an Escort if....

1. You’re staying at a 2 star motel, and there are only Hummers and Mercedes in the parking lot.

2. You’re staying at a 5 star hotel, and all the women are under 25.

3. You wish your Victoria’s Secret Charge Card earned miles. You’d have six free round-trips to Japan

4. You’re “time of the month” comes not only once a month, but conveniently whenever you need to play hookey from something.

5. You could compete in the Fastest Texters in the Universe Olympics and definitely place.

6. You know more about the finest hotels, restaurants and hotspots in the city than Yelp.

7. You watch double agent spy movies and feel as though you identify with the main characters.

8. You think a 9-5 job at Dunder-Mifflin is like a 15-20 year sentence at San Quentin.

9. You prefer three letter acronyms to complete phrases. GFE, PDA, LOL, OMG, etc.

10. You burst out laughing whenever your friends or family say “I want to go to Greece."
I can definitely identify with #3.
blackberry's Avatar
As a "client", of course I identify with #7. Oh and #10... in my case the laughter is replaced with a ear to ear grin and raging erection... made all the more awkward when it's grandma who's telling of her multiple trips to the islands....
DallasRain's Avatar

especially # 6
They call me the welcome wagon!
Lol, Dallas! That's why I need to bring you with me! I never know where to eat.

Oh, btw - I'm almost afraid to ask, but... What is a "magic finger?"

My situations is kinda like #6, but I dont know where anything is EXCEPT when given in relation to hotels. I had a conversation go something like this...

Client: There's a gift shop. Take a left down this road and right down that road.

Me: *Looks confused* Oh ooooo that's over there by the Marriott!!!

Client: There's a nice restaurant down such and such road

Me: Oh you mean down there by the Holiday Inn??

Client: Looks at me like, "yep, this girl is a hooker!!!"
DallasRain's Avatar

Oh, btw - I'm almost afraid to ask, but... What is a "magic finger?" Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
If you were a man,I could show you! lol

{it has to do with prostate massage}
Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
Gotta love a gal with a sense of humor!