Any info?

LookingHard69's Avatar
Not for 500 an hour ... big jump from hh ... hell Nicole in destin is not that much for the hour and you get an awesome full body massage as well

Wonder how classic she fucks ?? Mish only??

You can get a threesome with two hot providers for the same price or less than what she’s asking for an hour session. Just saying.
She’s cute I’ll give her that nice tits that LA would like but yeah not 5 bills worth ... could prob talk VInk into 2 hours for that much or like you said BB a 3 som with others

Just wonder if it’s a catfish or she’s traveling through for the winter? Given she’s asking that much there’s someone out there paying! I bet you could get her rates down some just show her Vanessa’s site and say it’s only 250 round here in these parts !
You could be creative and book successive 15 minute visits with short breaks for $400 or 2 x 30 minute sessions for the same. With this rate structure, she's more likely to have four men visit in an hour's time than one, and get less money.
Askin' and Gettin' are two different things.