He says we have only 2% of the world's oil reserve......Liar!!!!!!!

GAO: Recoverable Oil in Colorado, Utah, Wyoming 'About Equal to Entire World’s Proven Oil Reserves'

(CNSNews.com) - The Green River Formation, a largely vacant area of mostly federal land that covers the territory where Colorado, Utah and Wyoming come together, contains about as much recoverable oil as all the rest the world’s proven reserves combined, an auditor from the Government Accountability Office told Congress on Thursday.

The GAO testimony said that the federal government was in “a unique position to influence the development of oil shale” because the Green River deposits were mostly beneath federal land.

.....Liar!!!!!!! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I remember when I was in the first grade I overheard an adolescent first grader tell another first grader, "liar, liar, pants on fire."

Whirly, are you in the first grade?
No but Obama governs (and lies) like a 1st grader.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 05-13-2012, 07:28 AM
Obaminable lies every time he opens his mouth, and spews his freaking bullshit...!!!!!
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I still wonder why bugrux defends the communist Obama. I guess he has finally admitted defeat and recognized the Democrat party for what they are.
I never though I would see bugtux embrace the communists.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 05-13-2012, 08:52 AM
I still wonder why bugrux defends the communist Obama. I guess he has finally admitted defeat and recognized the Democrat party for what they are.
I never though I would see bugtux embrace the communists. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Don't worry 2D's, the american public will purge that communist lying piece of shit out of office, and shove his walking papers up his ass. Then he can apply for unemployment..!!!!!!
And food stamps !
joe bloe's Avatar
If any other country on Earth had the amount of oil, oil shale, natural gas, and coal that America has, they would exploit it to the max. The tree huggers have got America paralyzed. Canada is making a fortune from tar sand. If those tar sand reserves were in America, they probably wouldn't be touched.

Most of America's energy reserves are on land controlled by the federal government. We need to aggressively exploit those reserves and use the revenue to pay off the national debt.
+1; God Bless Us if Romney wins the White House. God Help Us if he doesn't !

If any other country on Earth had the amount of oil, natural gas, and coal that America has, they would exploit it to the max. The tree huggers have got America paralyzed. Canada is making a fortune from tar sand. If those tar sand reserves were in America, they probably wouldn't be touched.

Most of America's energy reserves are on land controlled by the federal government. We need to aggressively exploit those reserves and use the revenue to pay off the national debt. Originally Posted by joe bloe
guess you dweebs think Obama is the only lier in politics wow this is going to really be a wake up call for you.
Just like a knee-jerk jerk; you jump to conclusions. I know politicans are liars, but Obama is the Liar-In-Chief. And since you Obamazombies won't call him out, and the MSM ass lickers won't, well I guess it's up to us Americans to do the heavy lifting.

God knows you won't call him a liar; even though you admit he lies (presumably like the other lying politicans you exclaim).

Your a phony Ekim.....
I still wonder why bugrux defends the communist Obama. I guess he has finally admitted defeat and recognized the Democrat party for what they are.
I never though I would see bugtux embrace the communists. Originally Posted by The2Dogs

Commie? Wish you would make up your mind I thought he was a socialist .
joe bloe's Avatar
Commie? Wish you would make up your mind I thought he was a socialist . Originally Posted by ekim008
It's pretty much the same thing. Remember USSR stood for Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. When Obama's father wrote his infamous paper " Problems Facing our Socialism", people knew he really meant communism. Obama's father and mother met at the University of Hawaii in a Russian language class. Why do you think they were learning to speak Russian back in the sixties?

Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 05-13-2012, 02:55 PM
Commie? Wish you would make up your mind I thought he was a socialist . Originally Posted by ekim008
He is both, along with being a lying piece of shit. And back to your other post, the republicans lie also, just not quite as blatantly, and have the media cover their ass's for them.
Commie? Wish you would make up your mind I thought he was a socialist . Originally Posted by ekim008
ekimtheindependent, you know they are the same thing, right?