It’s called “Shut the F**K up” and leave dumb shit.

Sickpuppy's Avatar
McKinney – In the midst of overwhelming odds and non-compliant teens, the officer warns the girls on the sidewalk AT LEAST THREE TIMES to walk away. He clearly says: Leave now, LEAVE NOW, or else. Instead, one big mouth keeps talking back - interfering with the officer who is trying to detain others sitting on the grass while he sorts-out what’s going on at the pool. Ignoring his multiple warnings, big mouth walks back into the fray. The officer finally sits her ass down and two “boys” at least as tall as him lunge toward him, within arm’s length. He draws his weapon because he’s outnumbered and the “boys” have on street clothes, not swimsuits, so they could be armed. The result, the non-compliant dumb shit big mouth gets on TV, claiming “he twisted my arm and I couldn’t breathe (she watches TV) and all I did was saying things about him”. Next, they call for a politically motivated protest. What a bunch of bull shit. When’s the last time you thought you could mouth-off to a cop and get away with it? Its obvious big mouth’s parents haven’t explained to big mouth that McKinney is not Baltimore and McKinney kids show respect for law enforcement. Texas cops don’t “stand down”. All big mouth had to do was shut the F**K up and leave – she escalated it; therefore, she asked for it. Big mouth should face charges for interfering with an officer in the performance of his duty and the officer should be returned to full duty without reprimand.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Don't expect any support from the lefties here. They are required to march in lock step with the party despite common sense and the facts. We have more facts coming out. Like one of the two boys (really? boys? They look old enough to enlist. They are men.) pulled his shirt up and reached around with his hand. What was he going for? A phone? A wallet? A gun? Who knows, the cop didn't.
If the "lefties" support the OP what will you bleat about then judy?
LexusLover's Avatar
A neighbor described the "affair" and defended the police actions in attempting to disperse the UNINVITED GUESTS who were trespassing on the subdivision pool facilities.....including drawing his weapon when two hoodlums appeared to be trying to blindside the officer who pulled his weapon.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-09-2015, 11:33 AM
I saw some officers handing it with what you want to see....and i saw one officer that let the situation get the best of him. If you watch and listen to it all...him falling while chasing seemed to me to be the trigger that set him off.

Much like all things...this is no black and white matter. Enough blame to go around on both sides.

  • shanm
  • 06-09-2015, 11:39 AM
It's always either this way or that. Why can't there be merit to both sides of the argument?

Yes, the KIDS (yes, they're kids) acted rashly. They should have listened to the officer. They acted like spoiled brats and got what was coming to them.

But the officer acted extremely unprofessionally. He was shouting and verbally abusing them. Doesn't matter if the teenagers were doing the same, they're teenagers! A cop should be held to higher standards.
He also pulled out his gun on a bunch of teenagers! FFS Why is it that when a black person does something it is always to reach for a knife or a gun. I know you can lie to yourself and say that the same conclusion would be drawn with a white person involved. But it would be bullshit, and deep down, you know it.

You can look at the officers two partners. They did what was expected of them without acting like they were having a roid rage. I don't know about you, but if I had to tackle a 15 year old girl to the ground I would do it with a lot more restraint and repose than the officer seemingly showed.
  • shanm
  • 06-09-2015, 11:42 AM
A neighbor described the "affair" and defended the police actions in attempting to disperse the UNINVITED GUESTS who were trespassing on the subdivision pool facilities.....including drawing his weapon when two hoodlums appeared to be trying to blindside the officer who pulled his weapon. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Just remember that this is the same dunder-head who made these claims

can we leave in the part during which Scott gets control of the taser and shoots the Officer 2x's with taser darts one of which is still "wired" to the taser gun?

" Originally Posted by LexusLover
he shot him in the back"! Speaking of "plain and simple" ...

. has anyone ever seen someone FLEEING by ....

..... running backwards FACING THE POLICE OFFICER?.
Originally Posted by LexusLover

No doubt, his version of the "facts" is skewed by the 2 to 3 bottles of Jim Beam he downs every day.
Sickpuppy's Avatar
The best part was where non-compliant big mouth get's what she deserves and screams "Call my Momma". Just another spoiled brat. We should all try that next time we get pulled over for a traffic ticket.
It makes no difference what threat that Officer perceived, the instant he pulled that gun, the entire senario changed.

This was a crowded residential neighborhood. Just exactly who was he going to shoot, and if he missed, (pretty likley), where was that bullet going to end up.

That officer was put in a no win situation. His lack of seniority and training showed.

There are a lot of lessons to be learned here. if we are satisfied with letting the punks and thugs have free reign, then just tell the cops to sit on the freeway and write tickets.
But if we are going to get a handle on things and stop allowing the inmates to run the asylum, then we are going to have to anti up and train our Police Officers better, and be willing to pay them what the job is worth.
The only thing I see really wrong here is some of the Officer's language and the fact he drew his weapon. I think he should have utilized a secondary weapon, example his baton. I expect him to be suspended, but not fired.

LexusLover's Avatar
Just remember that this is the same dunder-head who made these claims............ Originally Posted by shanm

Post 168 on 4/15/15 ..."Who Is The Blame For Walter Scott's Death?"

Question posed to SHANM aka Shameless:
"What about a suspect running away and then fights with you when you catch up?

His Answer!! "....... better yet, shoot him in the leg, wait for backup and the paramedics. good ol' police work."

Good self-analysis. .... You are a joke.
  • shanm
  • 06-09-2015, 12:20 PM
Post 168 on 4/15/15 ..."Who Is The Blame For Walter Scott's Death?"

Question posed to SHANM aka Shameless:
"What about a suspect running away and then fights with you when you catch up?

His Answer!! "....... better yet, shoot him in the leg, wait for backup and the paramedics. good ol' police work."

Good self-analysis. .... You are a joke. Originally Posted by LexusLover
can we leave in the part during which Scott gets control of the taser and shoots the Officer 2x's with taser darts one of which is still "wired" to the taser gun?

" Originally Posted by LexusLover
he shot him in the back"! Speaking of "plain and simple" ...

. has anyone ever seen someone FLEEING by ....

..... running backwards FACING THE POLICE OFFICER?.
Originally Posted by LexusLover
^^even better "self-analysis". You are an even bigger joke!
Post 168 on 4/15/15 ..."Who Is The Blame For Walter Scott's Death?"

Question posed to SHANM aka Shameless:
"What about a suspect running away and then fights with you when you catch up?

His Answer!! "....... better yet, shoot him in the leg, wait for backup and the paramedics. good ol' police work."

Good self-analysis. .... You are a joke. Originally Posted by LexusLover
It appears that shammy suffers the same affliction as woomby / undercunt / rusty balloon knot. They've had their fudge packed so many times, it's caused brain damage to their two brain cells located in their azzes !
LexusLover's Avatar
It appears that shammy suffers the same affliction as woomby / undercunt / rusty balloon knot. They've had their fudge packed so many times, it's caused brain damage to their two brain cells located in their azzes ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Shammy is an "expert" on anything ... just ask him. For instance ...

... "Good ol' Police Work" ...

He knows "all about it"!!!!!!
Don't expect any support from the lefties here. They are required to march in lock step with the party despite common sense and the facts. We have more facts coming out. Like one of the two boys (really? boys? They look old enough to enlist. They are men.) pulled his shirt up and reached around with his hand. What was he going for? A phone? A wallet? A gun? Who knows, the cop didn't. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You got that from the conservative treehouse and I've never seen a bigger bunch of bullshit.