is apple inc. a rotten apple?

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Apple Appears to Have Gone Full-On, Stealing-and-Lying, Communist China Native

Apple has capitulated to Communist China’s demands – to censor and spy upon the ChiComms’ slave captives. You know – the ones making Apple’s stuff.

And have begun importing ChiComm anti-business, anti-market, anti-freedom “business practices” – into the US.

In which the Obama Administration sued Qualcomm’s patents – for being a monopoly. How very helpful for Apple. How very Communist China of the Obama FTC.

“The evidence presented by Qualcomm in its opening statement suggests some troubling conduct by Apple….

“Internal Apple documents that recently became public describe how, in an effort to ‘[r]educe Apple’s net royalty to Qualcomm,’ Apple planned to ‘[h]urt Qualcomm financially’ and ‘[p]ut Qualcomm’s licensing model at risk,’ including by filing lawsuits raising claims similar to the FTC’s claims in this case ….

so, taking up the ways of chicoms, apple accused Qualcomm of monopolism via dirty tricks and tactics. so what we have here is a monopoly corp. accusing another corporation of monopolism.

that's really cute!

Supreme Court rules iPhone users can sue Apple over App Store prices

"In theory, this is fine," Ek added. "But in Apple’s case, they continue to give themselves an unfair advantage at every turn.”

IOS store has a monopoly on apple apps. did some searching. I could not find one site that carried apple apps.

The Anti-monopoly Backlash Reaches the Supreme Court

a more detailed back story on Brick vs. Illinois. the set up is similar to Apple's app store.