Miss Monet

Flaked out on me. I've read that she's sometimes hard to schedule with.
I've tried a few times. Set up for 10:00 this morning and flaked. How do providers stay in the game doing this shit? Rhetorical, I know how, it's just fucking frustrating when you schedule with a provider and they ghost out.
woody4eroticfun's Avatar
Sorry that happened to you. Perhaps somebody with a higher winning bid took your slot ?
Possible. Although there wasn't really a "winning bid" per se, that in aware of. She stated her rates, I told her picked hhr. I've never heard of a provider putting herself on an auction block asking who's going to bid the highest. You know, normally, she tells you her rates and you say "ok, I want _____ (option A,B, OR C)".
Maybe she double booked and picked one, who knows?
Either way, still fucked up though and a shitty way of doing business. And now she lost a potential customer in me because I'll never contact her again. It is what it is.
Sorry for the typos in that. Something else to note... What she may not know is that she may have missed out on extra tips for this particular visit, if I'd been particularly impressed and do inclined, I've done that before. Not to mention potential future visits from me and other possible clients who may have contacted her because of a positive review I would have left.
Well add me to the “will not see” list for this provider due entirely to your experience. I have tried to see her in the past and it just didn’t work out, and not entirely due to her. But what she did to you (and I believe others) is BS. Like you said, her loss financially. And like you, I often tip. Either operate honestly and with respect towards the guys who make this possible, or move on. One last comment: my comments in no way apply to all providers. I have a few regulars i see frequently and one of the main reasons I keep going back? When I book an appointment we actually end up meeting!! Life’s too short for BS! Thanks again for posting. It makes a difference.