Ladies and Gentlemen it's time for an official poll...

KittyLamour's Avatar
Since I am the legendary drama queen of eccie, I think it's about time for us to decide who is my male counterpart... "The Queeniest Hobbyist on Eccie" Every vote counts so let's find us a winner... Is it?

A. TheEccie214
B. Tony Gambino
C. Manslut
D. Lookin4Boobies

These are great candidates and the competition will be fierce. The winner will be awarded this lovely certificate for their retirement, and an honorable mention in the All-Time Eccie Hall of Shame. This is so exciting!

motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 08-26-2016, 09:21 AM
You really just can't leave people alone can you? And before you start with the "they started it". Learn to let go
KittyLamour's Avatar
Oh whatever, it's ok for them to do it, so why can't I? Don't be a party pooper.
Motor, I think the advice of 'don't feed the trolls' has been given numerous times.

Also, isn't manslut banned? Seems like a disadvantage if he can't actively post on here.
KittyLamour's Avatar
People get banned for breaking the rules. He will be back with plenty of drama so, unless he's paying you to defend him I wouldn't worry about it. I'd appreciate if you stuck up for everybody who doesn't leave things alone though... such as... MY LIFE.

You all are just mad because I am now playing back with you all. Fight fire with fire hunni, so if you're so worried about it you should have been speaking up when they were bashing me and it was one of your own. Ok?
Kitty... you need to walk away from it. Otherwise it looks like you enjoy the attention you're getting from it.

And that's all you're doing here. This was NOT A good idea.
KittyLamour's Avatar
Kitty... you need to walk away from it. Otherwise it looks like you enjoy the attention you're getting from it.

And that's all you're doing here. This was NOT A good idea. Originally Posted by THN
First and foremost mami, I do enjoy it and it makes me feel fulfilled knowing that I am their number 1 go to when it comes to dishing. But, I am attacked from both providers and hobbyists for not doing what most of these girls do, which is, keep quiet for a dollar.

I however, was always raised to speak my mind. Perhaps that's why I've been in this business so long. Maybe sometimes, enough is enough and you must give these babies a taste of their own medicine. At the end of the day mama we have the power, the power of the P. If you think being quiet will ever teach these dogs where to lay their fleas at, then so be it, to each their own.
As always The Hot Nurse has some good advice Kitty. The reminds me of a track by the legendary punk band,'Bad Religion' called 'Against the Grain'
KittyLamour's Avatar
Oh well... and I'm a Soulless Dick Demon. Next?
Spikebaby's Avatar

First and foremost mami, I do enjoy it and it makes me feel fulfilled knowing that I am their number 1 go to when it comes to dishing. But, I am attacked from both providers and hobbyists for not doing what most of these girls do, which is, keep quiet for a dollar.

I however, was always raised to speak my mind. Perhaps that's why I've been in this business so long. Maybe sometimes, enough is enough and you must give these babies a taste of their own medicine. At the end of the day mama we have the power, the power of the P. If you think being quiet will ever teach these dogs where to lay their fleas at, then so be it, to each their own.
Originally Posted by KittyLamour
Ok well then don't threaten to kill yourself on Monday because everyone is so mean to you.
KittyLamour's Avatar
Ok well then don't threaten to kill yourself on Monday because everyone is so mean to you. Originally Posted by THN
Right on sister gotta do what I need to do to not let that happen again. Since they are obviously not ever going to quit I have to cope whatever way works for me. And giving it back to them makes me feel so much better. It is very empowering.

They don't run me. I do... and at the end of the day my phone is still ringing.
Right on sister gotta do what I need to do to not let that happen again. Since they are obviously not ever going to quit I have to cope whatever way works for me. And giving it back to them makes me feel so much better. It is very empowering.

They don't run me. I do... and at the end of the day my phone is still ringing.
Originally Posted by KittyLamour
I always considered myself more of a troll than a drama queen, but I'll take the honor. I don't make my living do.....and at the end of the day your the one that looks like a bitter aging hooker, that lives with her cats and venetian can cake on all the Maybelline clown make up you can buy....but you cant fight father time, he's especially cruel to women that sell sex.....sure your phone might ring...just less and less there's that..
KittyLamour's Avatar
I obviously must be doing something right Tony because to have this many haters and be as successful as I still am... there's a reason for that.

Really, none of this shit matters... not reviews, being verified or authenticated, keeping quiet, etc etc. If guys like the way yu look and the sex appeal that defines you here.... there will be a demand.

Don't limit me hunni, I get the best cosmetic procedures and fillers money can buy.
I obviously must be doing something right Tony because to have this many haters

Don't limit me hunni, I get the best cosmetic procedures and fillers money can buy.
Originally Posted by KittyLamour
not really....people just don't like you and it looks like some of the best stuff money can buy rubbed off your chin onto your fur in your avatar pic