Trying out SA's Domino

Okay guys I'm taking the plung. I know you've all seen the ad for San Antonio's Domino; no not the pizza heh. I'm talking about this ad. I know people say she's fake and only puts an ad up during desperate joe hours, but my head is thinking before my head if you know what I mean. Anyway I'm going to try to book her sometime this week. Wish me luck and look for my review in the next few days.
piputsa30's Avatar
good luck & looking foward to review
If that booty didn't stick out as far , looks a lot like another provider . Have fun , write a review !
FootLong's Avatar
Fake pics, but I wish you luck.
cyranose69's Avatar
I agree fake pics...seen them on the web forgot the models name.
GentlemanCaller007's Avatar
Recon Missions are always cool in my book (if/when you have the time). I do them.

Best Case Scenario: She is real (despite the odds and vibes)
OR - she looks similar and is still in the same hotness bracket (hidden gem who just needs anonymity)

Worst Case: She's a TOTAL skag, bait & switch - in which case, politely ackowledge her switch is unnacceptable, turn around and leave (do NOT feel guilty or stay out of guilt)

either way = Win; Your curiosity is satified and you can check her off your list (no more anguish every time you see her ad)
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Also, the good news is: Scammers are lazy, so they will use the same fake pics year after year....
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Go on and getcha' some of that Kentucky Fried flow, grasshopper...

What size T-shirt do you wear?

Just so we can have it ready for you upon your return.

If you want to be a hard-head, step on out there and get you a belly full.

...just don't come back here snifflin' cuz you got a few lumps on your ass from not listening.



Enough with the suspense! Lol what happened?!