does this site have an admin?

Bubblesdfw's Avatar
Been on for 1 week no hello no way to find out how to post ads???
Most places greet you this one says nothing?
Maybe I should stay on AHC!
TBONE's Avatar
  • 06-22-2009, 10:50 AM
Sorry your info slipped through the cracks.Here's a BIG welcome and we ARE glad you're here!!!
I am personally going to verify you and hope you'll put up an ad.
Been on for 1 week no hello no way to find out how to post ads???
Most places greet you this one says nothing?
Maybe I should stay on AHC!
me Originally Posted by Bubblesdfw
Been on for a week? It says you registered two days ago.
Been on for a week? It says you registered two days ago. Originally Posted by FatManHobbyist

That's a week in "provider time".
Bubblesdfw's Avatar
Seemed like a week to me giggles
Been on for a week looking and registered 3 days ago.
but T-bone set me up no alarm guys
I am set up now
time to be sweet to me now!!!
me giggles
chipper's Avatar
Hi, Bubbles, welcome to ECCIE.I am out of town and just signed on. We are normally all over pretty Ladies that sign up here. I hope that you enjoy your stay here! 90 degrees in Denver today but only 12 degrees at the top of Mt Evans. Back t0 the heat in Dallas tomorrow.
Welcome to ECCIE, Bubbles. Hope that you are a bit more relaxed in the future. We try to stay mellow here.
ControlFreak's Avatar
Take it easy Guys, I already have my screening into this beautiful woman. Let the old man to the head of the line. I tell you her photos are something else!!!!!!! Talk about beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Talk about Hot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! While mods were sleeping the old guy was in contact. Welcome Bubbles
TBONE's Avatar
  • 06-22-2009, 05:03 PM
Hi, Bubbles, welcome to ECCIE.I am out of town and just signed on. We are normally all over pretty Ladies that sign up here. I hope that you enjoy your stay here! 90 degrees in Denver today but only 12 degrees at the top of Mt Evans. Back t0 the heat in Dallas tomorrow. Originally Posted by chipper
No wonder Bubbles was neglected.Our "official lady greeter" is on vacation!!!

Going to be a week's pay deducted my friend!
Kelly TNT's Avatar
Actually Bubbles was greeted right away in One of her threads.

I actually responded to your thread on Saturday. It was an hour later...but, I still responded.

Do a search for your Posts and you'll find it.
A greeting....along with the information you had been asking for.

Enjoy the site!

~Kelly TNT
T.O.B.'s Avatar


note to self ( meet bubbles)
  • jcb69
  • 10-02-2009, 11:28 AM
Hi Bubbles!!! This is Chris (we met a week ago, Wednesday!)....I've been trying like hell to write a review for you, on TER, AHC, and this site, and even though I'm now a member of all 3, I can't seem to get a review posted anywhere for you!!!! :-( Are you listed on TER? That's where I've had the most success so far. Let me know, ok?

By the are now my ATF after letting me experience such a wonderful, true "boyfriend" (husband?) experience with you!!! You are a gem in a sea of counterfeit jewels!!! I hope I get to see you again when I'm in the are (DFW). Take care, Chris

The info you shared would be better served in a PM. Please refrain from bumpping old posts. After 30 days of inactivity it is considered bad behavior to bump a thread.