
AlbanyBlonde's Avatar
Please cancel my account. Thank you.
Say it ain't so Autumn - don't let the libs allow you to quit.
marquis2003's Avatar
I think you're a valued poster and provider and would hate to see you go.
taggert's Avatar
Although we've never met, I've enjoyed your contributions here. Your pics aren't too shabby either! Hope all is well AB and best wishes.
marquis2003's Avatar
There is one thing that I have found about posting on boards on the internet, people have a sense of anonymity and will say crazy and rude things that they would never otherwise say in person. These are the same people who would cry foul loudest and longest if they were treated in the same way. BLOCK them. If people can't have a rational and civilized discourse and be able to agree to disagree then they aren't worth your time.
Please cancel my account. Thank you. Originally Posted by AlbanyBlonde
Request denied. You can't leave babe!
Tiger's Avatar
  • Tiger
  • 02-27-2013, 08:13 PM
Request denied. You can't leave babe! Originally Posted by whosdair
brutusbluto's Avatar
Please cancel my account. Thank you. Originally Posted by AlbanyBlonde
This has been submitted.
AlbanyBlonde's Avatar
I am NOT retiring. I am just leaving ECCIE.
I can still be contacted at my email address:
roscoe14850's Avatar
Please Don't Go!
Are you going to let Doove and drluv get the best of you? The AB I knew had a lot more fight in her then that.
justin1916's Avatar
Are you going to let Doove and drluv get the best of you? The AD I knew had a lot more fight in her then that. Originally Posted by cny6969
I agree 100% don't let two assholes ruin it for you.
The Drummer's Avatar
Sorry to see you go. I always enjoyed your posts.

Although I've only met you once, as a friend, I would only want what you think is best for you.

sorry to see you go.Thanks for letting us know. If you were to leave without saying so, then other members on the board would have probably carried the blame from the civil lefties and they probably would have harped on the wrong individuals in all their self righteousness for years to come.

its just what lefties do, but at least in this case its undeniable, quite ironic
Vern0065's Avatar
I second whosdair you cant go!!! So now its officail you cant leave!! Good luck AB going to miss that Avatar man what great legs!!