The condom broke: could he tell and he just kept going?

Soooo, I've never had a condom break. I trust that the guy, though hobbying, has been using condoms (he brings his own, we just happened to use mine and they were a little bit smaller than his.)

I'm getting Planned B tomorrow (pharmacies are closed for Memorial Day.)

I asked him if he felt the difference when the condom broke, and he said that it felt good but that he didn't really notice, meaning he didn't know the condom broke.

I talked to my best guy friend about this and he says that's bullshit, that both he and his best friend when having sex have both had condoms break and knew instantly.

I want to trust this guy-- he's a good client, and a very kind person. I want to believe him. But at the same time, maybe it's a case of what my guyfriend says in terms of "he saw an opportunity, and he took it."

Guys-- I especially need your help.

Women-- I'm already planning on taking Plan B but can you tell me if it makes you feel sick?

I'm so so so very careful about sex, and I already plan on getting tested (I needed to anyway) and so I'll test now and in six weeks.

I hope I don't get slammed by potential clients for asking about this on a public board...I'm covering this the best way I know how, and I'm sure there's a lot of women who engage in a lot riskier behavior and never say a word...
but this community was the best one I could think of to ask.

I'm sad.
I hadan instance happen with meand girl as soon as it broke he was out fast! He knew it had broken and was apologizing. So I'm thinking from personal experience your guy knew!
Chica Chaser's Avatar
You can usually tell, it certainly feels different.
am-a-pleaser's Avatar
I have had a condom break and I didn't know it. Thankfully, nothing "bad" resulted. That was in the civvie world long before I ever started in the hobby.

I had no idea it had broken. Maybe some guys know. I think i would know now. I am more aware of myself and how things feel. If I knew it broke, I would stop.
I have had a condom break and I didn't know it.

I had no idea it had broken. Maybe some guys know. I think i would know know. I am more aware of myself and how things feel. If I knew it broke, I would stop. Originally Posted by am-a-pleaser
Same here. I would never intentionally continue if I knew it broke, but it has happened.
JohnMacnab's Avatar
If you are hitting it hard sometimes you don't feelit break and don't know it until you slow down, then it feels different.

tracerxxx's Avatar
hi sugar

if you've trusted this guy in the past no reason not to trust him now, your guy friend and his friend my have noticed when it broke, but other guys may not notice....
texasjohn1965's Avatar
The first time a condom broke, I did not realize it. After that, I knew instantly.
rooster09's Avatar
First time I had a condom break I was somewhere in my teens and did not notice at all....I have had it happen since then, after alot more experience, and noticed it immediately
Still Looking's Avatar
Had it happen several times and never knew it happened. Its not like dancing and losing a shoe?!
pickupkid's Avatar
get tested....are you on birth control,,if not get the morning after pill
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I've only had one break with a friend and I didn't know it. Only reason nothing happened is I pulled out..... This was probably three years ago so it might be different if it happened today...
burkalini's Avatar
I remember my condom breaking with my girlfriend in High School. It was only the second time I ever had sex and I noticed the difference immediately and stopped. I can tell you the difference in feeling was amazing and it made it very hard to stop. Nothing like that warm butter feeling. lol
he could totally tell. it sounds like rubber band snapping. I can feel it when it happens
shorty's Avatar
Sorry that happened to you SugarBeth. I haven't had one break but I am aware of the condom and the feeling. I would have to agree with your friends about the guy knowing. There are some guys that would keep hitting it, once they realized the condom had broken. Did he seem sincere or worried about the condom breaking?

I don't want to sound mean or evil spirited but you should've had an appropriate size condom. If your supplying condoms, at least have a little variety in sizes. Hope it all works out for you SugarBeth!!