Paris Accord Died, American Pride

Anyone else agree? Seems the folks who don't are: Dims and/or people making money from the govt subsidies for clean energy. There's no such thing as clean energy. It's the biggest jerk off term since "sustainable." GE and Elon Musk don't like it because it devalues their products that they hope to bank off of.

Then I read that the Paris accord was totally voluntary and there's no penalties. Then I read that Bloomberg is going to fund the UN for 15 million so the treaty can move on. Jeez, how pathetic. Almost as pathetic as the story that hundreds of thousands of people will die and the planet is doomed because he pulled out of something voluntary.

Another country turns red and the market hits another high.
Then I read that the Paris accord was totally voluntary and there's no penalties. Originally Posted by gnadfly
The Paris Accord was dead, the minute China told Odumbo to go sit in the corner and declared there would be no penalties imposed on them under any circumstances.

No teeth in any agreement is worthless. But to even think for a second Iran, Pakistan, China, Russia, and the like is going to honor an agreement is foolish.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The Paris Accord was dead, the minute China told Odumbo to go sit in the corner and declared there would be no penalties imposed on them under any circumstances.

No teeth in any agreement is worthless. But to even think for a second Iran, Pakistan, China, Russia, and the like is going to honor an agreement is foolish. Originally Posted by nwarounder
which is why Trump pulled America out of it. anything else you want to post?

Anyone else agree? Seems the folks who don't are: Dims and/or people making money from the govt subsidies for clean energy. There's no such thing as clean energy. It's the biggest jerk off term since "sustainable." GE and Elon Musk don't like it because it devalues their products that they hope to bank off of.

Then I read that the Paris accord was totally voluntary and there's no penalties. Then I read that Bloomberg is going to fund the UN for 15 million so the treaty can move on. Jeez, how pathetic. Almost as pathetic as the story that hundreds of thousands of people will die and the planet is doomed because he pulled out of something voluntary.

Another country turns red and the market hits another high.
Originally Posted by gnadfly
And if you look at all the lying liberals here that are for it, they are the same one's who wish to give away U.S. sovereignty- Al Gore, Lurch Kerry, shrilLIARy, odummer and EVERY ONE that is or votes for the dumbascraps - that want to " go European ". Interesting that those same POS want UNLIMITED and UNCHECKED immigration from the muzzie countries that have vowed to destroy the U.S.
LexusLover's Avatar
Anyone else agree? Originally Posted by gnadfly
Did you notice how fucking hot it got by the end of the day?

One can actually PLOT the prior times the Paris Deal was Made!

And broken!!!!

Let's see .... the 1st time a Paris Deal was made was about 550 million years ago ... see how the temperature fell ... then the Paris Deal fell apart around 475 million years ago ... then everyone got WISE AGAIN ... another Paris Deal was cut around 400 million years and down went the temperature for about 100 million years to around 300 million years ago ....

... Obaminable-Kerry deals DO MATTER!!!!!

Just look at their "ancestors" 100's of millions of years ago!!!!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-03-2017, 08:55 AM
Pollution is good!

New numbnuts campaign slogan...

bamscram's Avatar
Wonder who will be president by the time we can exit?
  • DSK
  • 06-03-2017, 09:25 AM
Pollution is good!

New numbnuts campaign slogan... Originally Posted by WTF
I think we should have stayed in the deal, which was largely symbolic. However, Trump is President, and I'm not.

Besides, the Senate has to approve treaties. If they had, Trump couldn't have reversed it. In essence, this is Obama's fault for bypassing the Senate!!!
JCM800's Avatar
Par for the course.

When it comes to Trump nothing is surprising.
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  • WTF
  • 06-03-2017, 09:44 AM
I think we should have stayed in the deal, which was largely symbolic. However, Trump is President, and I'm not.

Besides, the Senate has to approve treaties. If they had, Trump couldn't have reversed it. In essence, this is Obama's fault for bypassing the Senate!!! Originally Posted by DSK

All that is true....what is also true is that the voters in this country are ignorant on this issue.

Trump does not believe in man made global warming, or that is wtf he wants his followers to believe.

He thinks the Chinese invented it or that is wtf he wanted his followers to believe.

Not hard to re-enforce low information voters/followers skepticism of something they do not understand. All you have to do is say it is a threat to their jobs.
LexusLover's Avatar
....which was largely symbolic. .... Originally Posted by DSK
Characteristic of Obaminable's tenure...

... now the clean up on Pennsylvania Aisle.
I think we should have stayed in the deal, which was largely symbolic. However, Trump is President, and I'm not.

Besides, the Senate has to approve treaties. If they had, Trump couldn't have reversed it. In essence, this is Obama's fault for bypassing the Senate!!! Originally Posted by DSK
The Copenhagen Conference that happened during Obama's first term was dead also. Hillary promised 100 Billion US cash over 10 years at that one. Wasn't there another conference on some beautiful South Pacific island in between? All the beautiful people jetted there to tell each other stories about the dangers of CO2.

I'm tired of the bullshit.

Fake news.
Fake crisis.
Fake outrage.
Fake treaty.

It's time for the Snowflakes to Man Up!<- Misogyny, fuckers
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-03-2017, 10:51 AM
Characteristic of Obaminable's tenure...

... now the clean up on Pennsylvania Aisle. Originally Posted by LexusLover
You dumbfuc, symbolic means there was nothing to clean up and that is only under the assumption a spill is bad.

97% of the science community does not think a spill is bad.

Unfortunately low information voters are incapable of grasping complex concepts.

Like pollution is not really a good thing.
LexusLover's Avatar

Originally Posted by LexusLover
"Climate Change" has existed!

...for 100's of millions of years .... the "climate" changes!!

Yesterday it was raining and sprinkling on and off, and today it appears things are going to dry up slightly. The change is great!

Later on in the Summer it will get much hotter and more humid. I remember when we didn't have air conditioning that cooled off the house and we left the windows open to get a nice breeze. It sure was nice when it cooled off inside the house with the "climate changes" outside. We didn't have "ac" in the family vehicle either.