Would the Trump family have EVER responded to those same subpoena's during Daddy Donnie's time in office??
Would Jim Jordan have responded and shown up for a Subpoena ever?
Would Comer have shown up for one dem-dare, pieces of legal whatchamacallit?
We could surmise that the reply that was provided by the above questions, should equally apply to Hunter and his uncle Jimmy.
or we could simply do as the following ass-hats did:
The Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol sent subpoenas to House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy of California, Andy Biggs of Arizona, Jim Jordan of Ohio, Scott Perry of Pennsylvania and Mo Brooks of Alabama.
What happened?
NOBODY showed up, and that was in regards to crimes against our Country; not just the supposed crimes of a presidential family.
The GOP has some real gall to expect from others' what they don't hold themselves accountable for. Holy shit to fucking merga-troid balls nonsense.
Comer etal, should expect the same result of testimony will happen with that from these nonsense subpoenas to a sitting presidents family. The only thing the GOP select committee is doing, is trying to obfuscate the fact that they have no-idea of what they are doing, or how to govern, or how to create ideas, or laws. They are a bunch of neutered feckless assholes who are simply twiddling their fingers so that they don't become so bored, they have to jamb a thumb up their own asses to keep from shitting themselves.
With the power to get records and bank information etc., Comer and Jordan have proven they are about as capable as a babys' diaper of keeping a baby from shitting itself.
The amount of ignorance of finding a smoking-gun is on full display! OR.......Perhaps, there is no Smoking-gun to be found anyway!! There is no conspiracy or fraud to be found. The only gun these two have found is a fart noise gun, and a squirt gun that they likely hide in a closet and use to make each other laugh with, and pretend they pissed themselves.
But our conservative friends will lament- we got Joe now....just you wait, ......Well. Were. Waiting.