The new stripper slide?

houstonguy's Avatar
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  • zebra
  • 04-11-2014, 11:42 PM
IMHO I didn't need to see that, there wasn't anything appealing in that video period and talk about risky behavior, they might as well been doing BBFS
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
Wow. I think I will pas on both kinds of SS. Not interested.

I guess some folks enjoy body mutilation but it's not for me.

Good luck to em.
Eww that looks gross and disturbing!!!
DownForWhatever's Avatar
...yeah...coulda done without that...
b2pop's Avatar
  • b2pop
  • 04-12-2014, 07:35 AM
That was the worst thing I've seen in a long time. What happened to just good old GFE.
Yikes. That's gross
Randall Creed's Avatar
At least it was a human dick.
MrDark's Avatar

The description got me rolling when I read the.........

As for the video itself it was very tame, I've seen worse!!!!!!!
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar

As for the video itself it was very tame, I've seen worse!!!!!!!
Originally Posted by MrDark
Oh yea, I've seen worse.

Google pain Olympics. Very disturbing
killswitch321's Avatar
I'll say its Clive barker's world. Weird and fucked up.

Hell, you guys think that's pain, wait til a baby comes out.
killswitch321's Avatar
......too soon? Originally Posted by houstonguy
I've never seen Labia peirced that way. I'm wondering if this is the new chasity belt...
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
I've never seen Labia peirced that way. I'm wondering if this is the new chasity belt... Originally Posted by BrownSugarBaby
If so it didn't work