Communication Communication Communication

bojulay's Avatar
Communication Communication Communication

about your

Location Location Location

Is there an echo in here?

Communication with only a general description of your location
30 minutes before an appointment.... Seriously.

At least an hour away if I knew the exact address.

And they say men have a problem with communication lol

Not sure, has this topic been addressed before?
pyramider's Avatar
Brot's Avatar
  • Brot
  • 04-12-2014, 02:03 PM
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 04-12-2014, 06:14 PM
Fuck that, I am not giving you my address on ANY form of electronic media. Be happy you get a phone number and intersection.

You will know which door to knock on when I see your car pull up in my instructed area. Yes, I have left muthafuckers sitting in their cars because they do not follow instructions.
bojulay's Avatar
Fuck that, I am not giving you my address on ANY form of electronic media. Be happy you get a phone number and intersection.

You will know which door to knock on when I see your car pull up in my instructed area. Yes, I have left muthafuckers sitting in their cars because they do not follow instructions. Originally Posted by ~Ze~

Was he sitting at an intersection or parked by the dumpster?

I have spanked girls and made them sit in a corner that didn't
give me a proper address.
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 04-12-2014, 06:52 PM
hmm... seems that is aligned with my motives.

Most girls don't want to give out an address because of all the game players and bs. Even after screening people have behave stupid.
LazurusLong's Avatar
He is NOT asking for the damn address.

He is asking for something other than "Dallas" or "DFW".

Tollway and Beltline?
Tollway and 635?
635 and Midway?

Market Center area?

High Five (635/75)?

360 and I-30?

Preston and Park?

IF someone is afraid that by some magic trick the client could somehow find your address from an intersection, I'm thinking he might get hired by Homeland Security to track terrorists!

He used the example that IF he had an exact address he would have known it would take at least an hour.

So an intersection not far from your incall would have been able to tell him to allow a lot more time to drive there.
Ladies when you screen us guys, perhaps you could ask the referenced girls if they gave me their exact address (99% do).

Then ask them if i ever gave it out, posted it somewhere, sold it to a marketing firm, notified the IRS of your whereabouts, or...if I drive by it on my way to work and honked my horn.

I don't keep your address on my phone. Which is kinda funny sometimes when I see her next month, I ask for her address and she says: "But I gave it to you last month! You don't remember?"

Fuck that, I am not giving you my address on ANY form of electronic media. Be happy you get a phone number and intersection. Originally Posted by ~Ze~

Some intersections have very few residential areas. If i showed my face and gave my intersection, LE would have about 4 apt leasing offices to show my face pic to before they got a match. Not too difficult is it?

Texted/Emailed/PM'd addresses??? Where is that thread where guys posted about almost getting caught?? It was a while ago. Some guys just are not careful. Electronic media is there forever and ever amen. Anyone can pull it up at any time with the right tools. No thanks.

I understand y'all want it to be more convenient for you but please consider the lady's safety first and foremost. Its just not a good idea to encourage providers to be too precise (publicly posted intersection) or electronicallly share (via text, pm or email) their exact location.
bojulay's Avatar
Ladies when you screen us guys, perhaps you could ask the referenced girls if they gave me their exact address (99% do).

Then ask them if i ever gave it out, posted it somewhere, sold it to a marketing firm, notified the IRS of your whereabouts, or...if I drive by it on my way to work and honked my horn.

I don't keep your address on my phone. Which is kinda funny sometimes when I see her next month, I ask for her address and she says: "But I gave it to you last month! You don't remember?"

NOPE. Originally Posted by Prolongus

ha ha, the only address I ever kept was for someone that didn't
give me their address, as soon as I found her through the Indian
runner, smoke signal routine, I then knew the exact address
for next time.

Was that clever or wrong? Or grey area? Maybe all three.

I may need THN and Ze to beat me with a bucket handle or something.
pyramider's Avatar
It can be arranged.
Bestman200600's Avatar
General area close to incall is best. Many call and ask for location and never show up.
bojulay's Avatar
Bottom line is, you can find anyone through whatever method
she may choose to use I suppose.

Just like a provider choosing who she sees, she has every right
to choose the method used for getting them there.

But my OP was mostly about the time allowance, my biggest pet peeve
is not being on time.

And the bit of irony in the fact that as soon as you get there
you know exactly where she is.

Like most things we (I) tend to look at it from our (My) own perspective.
You have to contact them. Then, if they know, they can tell you with some general geography where they (almost) are. Then you can say "Well fuck, Mockingbird isn't my definition of North Dallas" and they can say "Asshole" and hang up and chalk you up as a tire kicker. I think it's like a hooker version of Pac Man. We run around trying to catch them and eat them and they hang out at the opposite end of the maze and get pissed off when we can't find it and our time is up so we dont score and they sit on the edge of the screen blinking waiting for the next dumbass to try and figure it out.Guys get pissed because playing "Where be da Hooker" is a waste of time with a narrow margin of worthwhile return and Wimmin get pissed because guys call them all day wondering where they be at an shit and then bailing on them.. When saying "I be roughly at the intersection of x and y" would cut down on lost providers, lost hobbyists, wasted hobby phone minutes and the general frustration of all involved parties.

Here's your customer ladies: Dude gets random wood, has disposable cash and some free time. Sometimes not a lot of the latter. What he needs to know is where the fuck you are, within a half mile or so. This is more important than how much, your "mixed" genetic makeup or "mad skillz". Cause you could be the hottest piece of ass with the maddest skillz since Cleo fucking patra, but if you're in "Dallas", well, good luck with that, cause that dude isn't going to waste his boner time trying to figure out where you are. Don't ask me how I know this, but I do.

I thought THN was the resident cat herder. How can ya'll guys and dolls still be fucking lost?
I thought THN was the resident cat herder. How can ya'll guys and dolls still be fucking lost? Originally Posted by phildo
You thought wrong. But you should already know that, shouldn't you? Its on the main home page buddy, just below the national sections. Its a forum. Nothing more. Cat herding implies a whole lot more and I DO NOT herd cats or babysit hookers. If you wanna start bitching about my forum again then go take a look around first.

Have a nice day.