Dallas Weatherman Resigns Over Facebook Comment

Chung Tran's Avatar

2 thoughts:

we are way over the politically correct line when a fucking weatherman is forced out over a rather benign statement.

Facebook is not your friend.. this is 2016.. act accordingly.
If you are a broadcaster and get paid to be in the public eye, you have to treat social media like a business account. No political viewpoints, religious commentary, or any item that might offend a demographic subset.

Employers don't want a boycott or demonstration brought to their doorsteps. It comes with the territory when you publicly represent a brand or company. I don't agree with firing him, but he should know better.
TexTushHog's Avatar
This guy was young enough to understand that "thug" is pretty close to the new version of the "n-word". It's not like he's some 70 year-old grandpa who grew up in different times. Plus, he's in a business -- journalism -- where neutrality and candor are stock in trade. It's an occupational hazard. Nobody to blame but himself.
This guy was young enough to understand that "thug" is pretty close to the new version of the "n-word". Originally Posted by TexTushHog
I'd go further than that... it IS the new N-word.

He knew what he was doing. He was trying to call them niggers without actually saying the word, and got busted.
Chung Tran's Avatar
it doesn't appear like he put up any fight.. he resigned after saying he didn't realize his choice of words was offensive.

I wonder if he's going away quietly, or will we hear from his Lawyer soon?

maybe he was Facebook emboldened, because he didn't care if he was let go?
dallasfan's Avatar
He shouldn't have said it but it is the truth.

Why are they trying to make these guys look like innocent little lambs.

Michael brown was caught on canera robbing a store and throwing around an old man right before his confrontation with police.
CG2014's Avatar
So if we use the word Thug here, do we have to resign from Hobbying?
Chung Tran's Avatar
Michael brown was caught on canera robbing a store and throwing around an old man right before his confrontation with police. Originally Posted by dallasfan
yeah, but he did beg for his life, saying "hands up don't shoot" right before the Cop blew him away.

oh wait.. that was all manufactured bullshit.. I heard that repeated so much, I almost fell for it.

and why was Sandra Bland's Mom there onstage? she wasn't shot, and the evidence says nobody killed her. playing the woman card? I would bet many black guys died within days of being jailed, as she did, and we didn't hear anything from their parent(s)..

Ms. Bland has some serious oratory skills, however.
I thought the same thing watching it. I'm sure many people felt the same way. Placating to idiots who can't separate fact from fiction. Absolute horseshit. Good for him.
CG2014's Avatar
I am still waiting for a provider to say mouth closed, don't cum yet!
Chung Tran's Avatar
I am still waiting for a provider to say mouth closed, don't cum yet! Originally Posted by CG2014
Hooker mouths matter..

Thank you
Iam45's Avatar
  • Iam45
  • 08-03-2016, 12:01 AM
Seems The AA are just looking to find more reasons to be offended. They do not own the word Thug, and I insist they stop being hurt by it.

a violent person, especially a criminal.
"he was attacked by a gang of thugs"
synonyms: ruffian, hoodlum, bully boy, bully, bandit, mugger, gangster, terrorist, gunman, murderer, killer, hitman, assassin, hooligan, vandal, Yardie; More
a member of an organization of robbers and assassins in India. Devotees of the goddess Kali, the Thugs waylaid and strangled their victims, usually travellers, in a ritually prescribed manner. They were suppressed by the British in the 1830s.
Randall Creed's Avatar
He shouldn't have said it but it is the truth.

Why are they trying to make these guys look like innocent little lambs.

Michael brown was caught on canera robbing a store and throwing around an old man right before his confrontation with police. Originally Posted by dallasfan
Randall Creed's Avatar
Yep. We know what the word 'thug' is a substitute for nowadays.