I did not know that............

1. Florence Henderson the Brady Bunch mother got the clap from the then mayor of New York John Lindsay on a one night stand. That is just so typical Republican to put it to a single mom of several children and give her a disease too. Likely did not even have health care either.

2. John Quincy Adams at the age of 9 influenced the founding fathers to do away with slavery for all times.

I learn something new every day.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Interesting, I guess. . .
knotty man's Avatar
did you know that 100% of the population have only 1 fallopian tube!
bartipero's Avatar
Florence Henderson aside, you might need to get a different history book. That one is obviously broken. It seems all time didn't start until about April 9, 1865.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
And 67% of all statistics are made up on the spot.
knotty man's Avatar
hmmm? lets just suppose were talkin hypothetically
Florence Henderson aside, you might need to get a different history book. That one is obviously broken. It seems all time didn't start until about April 9, 1865. Originally Posted by bartipero
Michelle Bachman referred to John Adams multiple times recently as John Quincy Adams. She was called out for saying that the founding fathers had faught hard to get rid of slavery and she kept saying JQA instead of John Adams who was against slavery at that time.

I love how every every gaffe must be posted on here. Should we have a battle of the gaffes? Joe Biden would win easily if they let him out of his room more. Barrack Obama recently gave a medal of honor to someone while he was alive, yet was actually KIA. Both sides make them and it doesnt mean they are stupid. I dont think Obama really things there are 60 states.
Seomon's Avatar
It's ok bigryan... methinks you take what they say too personally... I think our friends are making fun of how EVERYONE is full of $H1T.
The only things 100% true are death, taxes and the fact that COG is the fault of all things awry in our world!!!!!!!

He used to be somebody ya know.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
"Used to be somebody" "The OTHER old idiot" I feel like Mel Gibson trying to get a boarding pass for El Al.
[...] I feel like Mel Gibson trying to get a boarding pass for El Al. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
THAT was fookin' funny!


- Jackie
"Used to be somebody" "The OTHER old idiot" I feel like Mel Gibson trying to get a boarding pass for El Al. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Well COG, atleast you used to be somebody....most of us, including dipper and me and knotty don't have even that honor!

"100% of the population have only 1 fallopian tube".

In a woman's body the tube allows passage of the egg from the ovary to the uterus. Its different segments are (lateral to medial): the infundibulum with its associated fimbriae near the ovary, the ampullary region that represents the major portion of the lateral tube, the isthmus which is the narrower part of the tube that links to the uterus, and the interstitial (also intramural) part that transverses the uterine musculature. The tubal ostium is the point where the tubal canal meets the peritoneal cavity, while the uterine opening of the Fallopian tube is the entrance into the uterine cavity, the utero-tubal junction.
Since I am not a female and since Stacy has two, you are wrong atleast twice! So you could not have 100%? Or is there something you have not told us, knott?

"67% of all statistics are" is that statistic here COG?
And what is your confidence level on that statement COG?

We all make mistakes, even me. The real test is what we do after that! Make it right and move on, ignore our errors and pretend that did not happen? What do you say COG. Burn the house down, life with our faults, grow from out errors and be a better person in the end? Sounds like time for a poll or a pole, or a pol......

There is an election coming. All the politicals will make mistakes. So will you and I.
Discussion in fairness is all that can be asked of anyone, anywhere, anytime.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
SS4469, I'd be happy to respond to you query, but I have no idea what the hell you said!
SS4469, I'd be happy to respond to you query, but I have no idea what the hell you said! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You can fool some of the people some of the time and then there are old fools like us who fool around too much! But the really foolish people in this world are the one who are not responsible for their actions. That really believe they can do whatever they want and it will make no difference. They are the ones fooling themselves. If we deal with out problems and are fair, we can go to sleep easier because the guilt is on the other guys doorstep!

And one of my favorite singers is Muddy Waters, hopes that helps too!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
okaaaay . . .