I am planning a trip this coming Thursday to Kansas City and I just found out this morning that there is a NASCAR race going on there this coming weekend.
When I was in town the last time, there were basketball playoffs. The rooms were expensive as a result. Of course, they could just be a bit on the expensive side anyway because of the Plaza. I'm not sure yet. (This would only be my second trip!)
I already have people that I'm CRAVING to see and I'm sitting here at my desk wondering if I should reschedule?
I don't know what to do! And I need some advice, please.
Will there be more of a LE presence this weekend at all? Will the hotels in the Plaza be completely booked up?
I've already called the property where I was located last time and they're at 99% occupancy as of this Monday morning for next weekend.
I'm concerned.
Any input would be appreciated!!!