Long day for Obama

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
He violates the law, gets back a US servicemen, gives away five senior and dangerous Taliban fighters, and makes it a likely strategy to take more Americans prisoner to exchange for terrorists. Another strategic blunder by Obama.

Suppose I must point out that no where do I say it's a bad thing that we go the 1st Sgt. back but it showed that Obama has nothing left except giving in to the terrorists.
If it had been you I would have voted to leave your ass with them.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I thought Obama was going to close Gitmo.....uh what happened with that promise......
I thought Shrubya said OBL was "Wanted Dead or Alive,".....uh what happened with that promise...... Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Fixed it fer ya! No charge!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
He violates the law, gets back a US servicemen, gives away five senior and dangerous Taliban fighters, and makes it a likely strategy to take more Americans prisoner to exchange for terrorists. Another strategic blunder by Obama.

Suppose I must point out that no where do I say it's a bad thing that we go the 1st Sgt. back but it showed that Obama has nothing left except giving in to the terrorists. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Really, it just makes them want to kidnap more soldiers for bartering currency. It is a failed strategy by an increasingly befuddled moron of a President.
Every administration who negotiated for prisoner release were morons?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
For some historical prospective go back to the Civil War. We regularly exchanged soldiers but Lincoln realized that the south was getting the better of the deal since the battles were fought there (that means that they got more prisoners) and that they were getting experience soldiers back. So Lincoln stopped the prisoner exchange and started bleeding the Confederacy. This led to abuses like Andersonville but it hastened the end of the war. It also discouraged the south from conducting raids into the north for the purpose of collecting hostages for trade.

The only president that did a hostage deal was Ronald Reagan and there was not war. Carter probably would have liked to do one but he didn't. Nixon was negoiating the end of a war and not a prisoner exchange. He got ripped off too as we didn't get all our people back. Truman didn't do deals. Wilson didn't do deals and Eisenhower also negoiated the end of a war and he was also ripped off.

Really EVA, you need to open a book and your mind once in a while.

To put it simply (for EVA); no president since Lincoln has negoiated for prisoner release during wartime. (that we know of)
Really, it just makes them want to kidnap more soldiers for bartering currency. It is a failed strategy by an increasingly befuddled moron of a President. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
If I'm not mistaken this policy works well for the Jews in Israel. They are hawkish about not leaving a single Israeli soldier (even the dead ones) and will bargain for their release. ;-)

It's always buffoonery when it's not your dad, brother, or son being bargained for. ;-) and if it's not then it's generally more billboards and platitudes as to how "great an American you are" and "we love our soldiers".

I say welcome a soldier home and thank Obama for making the right call.
He violates the law, gets back a US servicemen, gives away five senior and dangerous Taliban fighters, and makes it a likely strategy to take more Americans prisoner to exchange for terrorists. Another strategic blunder by Obama.

Suppose I must point out that no where do I say it's a bad thing that we go the 1st Sgt. back but it showed that Obama has nothing left except giving in to the terrorists. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
My only real retort to all this silliness I'm reading as I start posting in the political forum is you lost the election to Obama not once but twice so get over it already. He's on his way out and in all honesty attacking him at this stage is futile as there's nothing you can do that will stop Hillary Clinton from winning the White House.
He violates the law, gets back a US servicemen, gives away five senior and dangerous Taliban fighters, and makes it a likely strategy to take more Americans prisoner to exchange for terrorists. Another strategic blunder by Obama.
Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
And if the POTUS does not bring back the "US serviceman" it then becomes "another strategic blunder by Obama."

From JDIdiot's unique perspective, there is no way in hell that Obama can ever do anything right!

He's damned if he does and he's damned if he does not.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
JLHomo, hasn't your beloved Medinat Yisroel changed prisoners/hostages forever?


And I suppose NONE of us can remember Iran-Contra... Who was that? Oh yeah, President Alzheimer's.

The outrage and vitriol you douchenozzles spew about President Obama hourly haven't changed any of that. Nor has it changed anybody's opinion of the President. It has, however, had a marked effect on people's opinions of YOU!

J Oh yeah, President Alzheimer's. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Can we just call him President AZ for short?
Obitchboy better get our Marine back NOW!

My God a vid who would have thunk it?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
My only real retort to all this silliness I'm reading as I start posting in the political forum is you lost the election to Obama not once but twice so get over it already. He's on his way out and in all honesty attacking him at this stage is futile as there's nothing you can do that will stop Hillary Clinton from winning the White House. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Here is your fatal mistake....what does this have to do with elections? I mean really? Was there a question during the debate that asked would you trade hostages for terrorists. Why do you want to make this about politics? I know why even if you don't. In the realm of politics you can make this about partisan dislike of Obama with little racism thrown in. If this is in the actual realm of foriegn policy then you don't have much to stand on. I don't know who pays your salary but they ought to get their money back.