The List... Who controls America?

powerful stuff
powerful stuff Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
I see you lack the courage to state an answer to your question.

You just post a link to an article and figuratively run away.
wellendowed1911's Avatar Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
So using your logic and other Tea Party logic- Obama really can't be a "secret" Muslim if 9 of his 11 advisers are Jews because we know that Muslims and Jews have a long history of distrust to one another.
Honestly, I could care less about the article- I was raised in Queens New York and went to school in Jewish communities and some of my best friends are Jews. I am pretty sure majority of those Jews that are in that position earned their way to the top and one thing I noticed about Jews is that they stick together more so than any race/religion on the earth. There's a reason why geographically Israel is the size of Rhode Island and that the Jewish nation of Israel is surrounded by enemies yet even though the Jewish military is outnumbered by every other middle east's nation - the Jewish military can wipe the map of any other military in the world save perhaps the U.S.
I see you lack the courage to state an answer to your question.

You just post a link to an article and figuratively run away. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Poor little nyRINOer... nobody is paying attention to him.
Poor little nyRINOer... nobody is paying attention to him. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Obviously, you are, banjo boy.

It looks like you are just as racist as Waco Kid. I didn't think that was possible.
So using your logic and other Tea Party logic- Obama really can't be a "secret" Muslim if 9 of his 11 advisers are Jews because we know that Muslims and Jews have a long history of distrust to one another.
Honestly, I could care less about the article- I was raised in Queens New York and went to school in Jewish communities and some of my best friends are Jews. I am pretty sure majority of those Jews that are in that position earned their way to the top and one thing I noticed about Jews is that they stick together more so than any race/religion on the earth. There's a reason why geographically Israel is the size of Rhode Island and that the Jewish nation of Israel is surrounded by enemies yet even though the Jewish military is outnumbered by every other middle east's nation - the Jewish military can wipe the map of any other military in the world save perhaps the U.S. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

We just may never know... what do you think?

wellendowed1911's Avatar
Poor little nyRINOer... nobody is paying attention to him. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Actually I have watched ExNYer debate a lot of you so called Republicans and to be honest ExNyer and I are worlds apart on creation and evolution-but politically I have more respect for his conservative views because he's not a follower- meaning if the Republicans support something stupid he(EXNyer) calls them out and doesn't kiss ass. Unlike guys like you and Whirlway and a bunch you other Republican Dipshits- you assume that the Right wing way is perfect and all other ideas or viewpoints are wrong. As stated before if Reagan were alive today he wouldn't recognize the current GOP party and I see ExNyer being more of a conservative than any of you other so called Republicans.
Obviously, you are, banjo boy.

It looks like you are just as ignorant as Waco Kid. Originally Posted by ExNYer

You forgot RACIST... fucker
wellendowed1911's Avatar
We just may never know... what do you think?

. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
What difference does it make if he were Jewish, Buddhist, or muslim? It seems to me that Republicans get carried away with what religion a person follows- who really give a hoot. What amazes me is these Christian Bible thumping Republicans who want to promote holier than thou- do they realize that Jesus was not a Christian- the religion didn't really jump start until Paul- Jesus was a jew who followed Jewish customs and practices.
Actually I have watched ExNYer debate a lot of you so called Republicans and to be honest ExNyer and I are worlds apart on creation and evolution-but politically I have more respect for his conservative views because he's not a follower- meaning if the Republicans support something stupid he(EXNyer) calls them out and doesn't kiss ass. Unlike guys like you and Whirlway and a bunch you other Republican Dipshits- you assume that the Right wing way is perfect and all other ideas or viewpoints are wrong. As stated before if Reagan were alive today he wouldn't recognize the current GOP party and I see ExNyer being more of a conservative than any of you other so called Republicans. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

Oh yea and nyRINOer voted for Ojewishbro or is it Omuslimbro... we will not know for a while... all the records disappeared. There will be proof one day, either way.
Actually I have watched ExNYer debate a lot of you so called Republicans and to be honest ExNyer and I are worlds apart on creation and evolution-but politically I have more respect for his conservative views because he's not a follower- meaning if the Republicans support something stupid he(EXNyer) calls them out and doesn't kiss ass. Unlike guys like you and Whirlway and a bunch you other Republican Dipshits- you assume that the Right wing way is perfect and all other ideas or viewpoints are wrong. As stated before if Reagan were alive today he wouldn't recognize the current GOP party and I see ExNyer being more of a conservative than any of you other so called Republicans. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

All Liberals love nyRINOer... birds of a feather
You forgot RACIST... fucker Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Go back and look. I edited it. Fucker.
Go back and look. I edited it. Fucker. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
I read most of the list - we fucking rule!!!