Really? What was the second choice for your name?

OK, maybe the PC crowd does have a point about cultural sensitivity.

Some of you won't get this - at least not until you Google. Especially Waco Kid.

Here is an Eros ad for a Dallas escort:

I think her earlier ads only had one "s" in her name.

The ad doesn't turn me on. It makes me wince and cross my legs.

Was "Nicole Circumcision" not available?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I think the R is silent.
Sorta like Hillary Bobbit.
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
Really? What was the second choice for your name?


The ad doesn't turn me on. It makes me wince and cross my legs.

Was "Nicole Circumcision" not available? Originally Posted by ExNYer
+1 - Sounds like a man eater to me. Most of our brethren won't click to the reference and maybe that is what she intends. Sounds like a hard way to get a repeat clientele
I can't believe I didn't put "Nicole Briss" in the first post.

Well, here it is, for when Eros eventually deletes the ad and folks won't get the joke.
JCM800's Avatar
not a great choice in names ...but still a hot chick.

she's on p411, so maybe she's keeping the name.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Now THAT'S funny!