Backpage seized by Feds

sturgeon submariner's Avatar
Backpage is no more!! Main page says seized by Feds. Cant say we didnt see this coming. Probably ECCIE is next! This free country is feeling more and more like a police state every day.
rooster's Avatar
Freaking Wow! article. Sumarizes the issue pretty well.
Do_me_doggy69's Avatar
BP, TER and myproviderguide are no longer available and have all been seized
KaylaRyder's Avatar
There is a lot of discussion about it in the national forums if anyone wants to do some reading. It’s time for everyone to take down contacts and i guess see how this all rides out.
bigmac64's Avatar
ECCIE may be a bit safer than backpage. Backpage is hosted in Pittsburgh. The ECCIE server is in Amsterdam, Netherlands. If the owners are in the US, the feds may have leverage that way, but it would be harder for them to take over like they did with Backpage.
I see they even too the theraputic section of cl too.
so now they all have to become beauticians and sexy house cleaners

geeshus people ADAPT

if you open a lemonade stand, their coming
just think if you built cars and trucks and the epa all a sudden wants you to DOUBLE your mpg?

your trying to build homes for people , now they pile on 10 -15k a year in new energy standards

your trying to sell central air r22 for 50yrs everythings going fine until they outlaw r22 and now every piece of equipment is obsolete and the new stuff is 40% higher cost

your sued becasuse a house you haven't owned in 40 years just became a part of a bundled lead lawsuit
you cant get your fuckin car inspected caus your engine light is on

they have to peel your window tint off and you just opened up your tint company

you bought some tanning equipment and now that doesn't meet standaeds

it goes on and on and these are LEGAL businesses that also have to pay for advertising

your a whore get over yourself your living in some fantasy land
where whn you get called fat you just need to whine to the nearest cuck

they don't actually fine you for being overweight on the scales on the side of the road and ticket you for improper log book

not the real world