Yep, the discussion was "right on" as indicated in the first serious article I found ... which included this quote:
Environmental Impact: Although wind energy itself is environmentally friendly during the use phase, the same cannot be said about the production of wind turbines. The environmental impact of rare earth extraction is estimated to be more damaging than fossil fuel extraction due to the toxic effluent, emissions and waste generated from the intensive mining activity required[iii]. According to the BBC, tons of radioactive waste is generated from the production of a wind turbines as a result of the refinement of REEs[iv].
But the real KILLER IS:
As the major exporter of REEs, China practically has a monopoly on the market which can expose foreign companies to procurement risks. Reliance on a sole supplier is rarely a safe sourcing strategy. When the supplier is the Chinese government, political tensions can lead to export restrictions.Wind certainly is powerful .....
In 2010, China exercised its power to cut the supply of REEs to Japan over a territorial dispute, violating free trade rules established by the World Trade Organization[x]. This export freeze had repercussions on Japan’s industrial sector and on American companies which rely mostly on Japan for components using REEs. BBC and other media outlets have reported the risk of China imposing REEs export restriction to the U.S., should the current trade war escalate. If China were to play this card, the U.S. could lose trillions of dollars on industries relying on rare earths[xi].
...there must be a "wind turbin" in there somewhere ....!!!!
Bitten's "NonFossil Fuel" makeover will suffer the same fate as his "border security policy" and his battle with Covid et al.