I get the successful formula of desire plus availability yields meeting. But to what extent does intelligent awareness determine the quality of our meeting.
Yes, for some its about physical release only. Been there. Somewhere along my life path I experienced sexuality not just as a way to change what I felt, but also express how I felt. Once both components are present, suddenly the need to connect at some level with the other person is required for me to personally enjoy even a defined time with any sensual woman.
Is it too much to expect genuine relating? A therapist may not like their patient, much less agree with them, yet the moment between them and their client is intense enough to produce predictable change towards the clients benefit; predictably enough for therapy to be a licensed profession with reimbursement laws and minimum standards protecting both people.
I would greatly enjoy these attributes of a meeting without randomly hoping the other person is somehow cultivating me for profit only, and with them also accepting my interest and joys do not come with renting another persons body for whatever I choose.
Is this kind of partnership much of an option? The classic beauty and brains experience without acting? I do not want any kind of relational entanglement. This is what led me to this board. Yet, I do want physical with genuine emotional exchanges occurring.
Did I just demonstrates to everyone how unaware I am or is does this topic ring familiar with anyone else? Should I just harden up?