Providers and weight gain

Mr. Heffner's Avatar
I like to see new gals, but also have a "stable" of gals I have seen in the past, usually used as a back up plan or when I searching for exactly what they are offering.

I'm married, and I know thw workings of women and their weight, my SO might gain 10 pounds over the holidays but lose it fairly quickly.

But some providers (not just a few) that I have seen but then might not see in say 6 months, really balloon up! I mean, not 10 pounds,but 15-20 pounds. This has happened to me a few times, I'm never rude, just go ahead with the program, but it's not-shall we say-much of a turn-on. But are all estblished, nice gals.

Why does this seem to happen in the hobby? Has anyone else experienced this?

I know one gal who might weigh 125 today, 145 in a couple of months, then back to 110 in a few months after that.
Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
Part of it is the erratic schedules many are forced to endure in order to maintain a steady income. Eating on the go or just eating out cuz there's no groceries at home that are thawed at the last minute when you actually have time to cook. I used to cook at least 5x a week for dinner & at least a Sunday brunch. Now, I may cook 2-3x a week if that. My schedule is never "expected" as more & more hobbyists expect someone to be ready NOW and well, I jump cuz it's my rep to be reliable & I have bills to pay. You take what you can get or you go w/out these days.
notanewbie's Avatar
useless thread........
boardman's Avatar
useless thread........ Originally Posted by notanewbie
Dammit you beat me to it!
Why does this seem to happen in the hobby? Originally Posted by Mr. Heffner
It couldn't be because providers are human beings too, subject to all of the imperfections our species may exhibit?
Elephant's Avatar

Why does this seem to happen in the hobby? Originally Posted by Mr. Heffner
= Horizontal Work Environment + High Fructose Corn Syrup + High Protein Diet
blowpop's Avatar
Some people's weight fluctuates? Stop the presses!

This thread = bad idea.
Some people's weight fluctuates? Stop the presses!

This thread = bad idea. Originally Posted by blowpop
On so many levels!
Mr. Heffner's Avatar
useless thread........ Originally Posted by notanewbie
PLEASE when you show up to see a nice provider you have seen in the past 6 months and she's gained 25 pounds THEN see if it's a "useless thread". LOL
Htowner's Avatar
Why is this a useless thread?
Yes providers are human beings too but he is not talking about 10lbs or less, he is talking about a significant change. This matters when one's body is the focus of the situation. We are not talking about your realtor or hairdresser gaining weight here. We are talking about a provider.
Everybody has the challenge of eating right . Not just providers. Now if that is how you make your living , you have to make it work somehow as there some who do regardless of the same schedule problems everyone has.
If I don't have exactly what the clients wants but used to, I owe it to them to be updated, and they get pretty pissed if I don't . They should.

In my opinion, if you have gained that much as a provider, common courtesy dictates to give your regular guy, or any guy for that matter, a heads up on this and you will be amazed how forgiving some would be . Those who are not, will appreciate the warning and will still see you when you do lose the weight, not abandon you for the fear of worse in the future.
CivilBarrister's Avatar
Wait HTowner - you EXPECT honesty from providers?

Hell, I would just settle for pictures that are in the past year!

I am VERY appreciative when I call a provider and she tells me she can't have a session because Aunt Flo is in town.....Different from AFTER we both get comfy!

Seriously Bro, if you arrive to see your provider and she isn't what you want, grow a set of nuts and LEAVE. Typically is not cause the little head is doing the thinking - its cause guys don't have to balls to walk away.

They would rather go forward with the session then BITCH that they were deceived.
Why is this a useless thread? Originally Posted by Htowner
Yet another, "What do you guys think when the pics aren't accurate?" thread, and you're curious why its useless? Does it irritate me? Yes. Is it a part of the hobby? Yes. Moving right along...
Randall Creed's Avatar
I hate the fluctuations in BOTH directions. You see a provider's pics and you want to get at her. Booty's looking good, thighs got some thickness to them. You finally get around to seeing her and and she's 20lbs.................lighter.

I'm like the OP, though. I just don't have it in me to walk out.
Htowner's Avatar
Yet another, "What do you guys think when the pics aren't accurate?" thread, and you're curious why its useless? Does it irritate me? Yes. Is it a part of the hobby? Yes. Moving right along... Originally Posted by enderwiggin

I think we are talking about two different issues.
The way I read the poster's concern, was when he already has had a regular rapport with some chic and the next time he shows up it is someone a lot bigger.
What I think you are talking about, or CB, is a general absence of honesty in pictures being updated and accurate.
I was commenting on the former and we have all talked about the latter to no avail.
I have had walked out of several sessions for that reason. It is a good thing I am on the phone every time I walk in . It could be my boss on the other side you know.
notanewbie's Avatar
=Htowner;70171It is a good thing I am on the phone every time I walk in . It could be my boss on the other side you know.
I set my phone alarm for 5 minutes after I walk in (same tone as ringer) so if the emergency comes up, I gotta go.