What happened and why?

HedonistForever's Avatar
This is what I'm wondering. It could be an interesting topic of discussion or it could bomb.

Maybe by tomorrow this will be easier to answer, more finite but for now, I'll assume Biden wins with less than 300 electoral votes so definitely not the "landslide" predicted by the Dem's, the media and the left on this board.

Looks like the Republicans keep the Senate and may add a few seats.

More surprisingly, looks like the Republicans will pick up seats in the House.

Why if all these things happen, did they happen?

If Biden wins, the thinking was thought to be and I even mentioned it in another thread, his coatails should have brought along the Senate and gained seats in the House but it doesn't look that way as of now.


My guess is the votes were against Trump but not Republicans. What does that portend?

And how could this come down to Nevada and a Biden win? I was just commenting on how casino workers could consider voting for someone who might shut down their work place in a matter of months, possible up end financial markets which can't be good for the gaming industry.

What effect did the threat of raising taxes have on the race? Did all those Democrats really believe Biden when he said nobody making less than $400,000 will see their taxes go up?

Or was it one big "I don't fucking care about anything other than removing Trump from office even if it costs me money" and possibly my job?

Did any of those Democrats consider what making 20 million illegals, legal with all the rights that come with that?

These are some of the questions I'm wondering tonight?

What are your questions and if you think you have answers, I'm all ears.

Damn, here I go asking for cogent thoughts after making a joke about trying to get that from this board.

Somebody prove me wrong.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Just heard some interesting numbers from Ari Fleischer on Fox News about how well Trump did with minority voters, you know the Racist Trump.

SF and 1Blackman1 tried to tell us first that there was no Black vote for Trump and then reluctently admitted that he might get a measley 8% like last time but no, Trump increased his Black vote to 12%.

Trump increased his Hispanic count from 28% in 2016, to 32% 2020.

And perhaps the most surprising is that he got the highest Jewish vote any Republican has ever gotten. I think I heard that right at 32%

So rather than Trump destroying the Republican party, he actually made in-roads in all 3 groups of people that Republicans don't typically get.


And think about this. Joe Biden, the working man's guy not a puppet of Wall Street and big money donors and big banks, got hundreds of millions from all those people while Trump got the working man's money.

Imagine that for a minute. The Democrats have now become the party of Tech billionaires, Hollywood millionaires, Wall Street and Big banks while Trump and the Republican party became the party of the working man.

What is going on?
I think that around 50 % of the population despise President Trump so much that they are willing to go as far as voting for the likes of a Joe Biden.
Then around 45 percent recognize that President Trump has done a great job considering the hatred spewed his way.
The other 5 % are morons.
The Republicans keep the Senate. They gained seats in the House. Joe Biden will now have to deal with Bernie and The Squad.

President Trump will go back to being “The Donald”. That’s not a bad gig.
  • Tiny
  • 11-04-2020, 08:30 PM
I think that around 50 % of the population despise President Trump so much that they are willing to go as far as voting for the likes of a Joe Biden.
Then around 45 percent recognize that President Trump has done a great job considering the hatred spewed his way.
The other 5 % are morons.
The Republicans keep the Senate. They gained seats in the House. Joe Biden will now have to deal with Bernie and The Squad.

President Trump will go back to being “The Donald”. That’s not a bad gig. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I guess my mother was right. I'm a moron.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I guess my mother was right. I'm a moron. Originally Posted by Tiny
we have enough morons here (not you tho)
HedonistForever's Avatar
Some more fun facts. Remember how some people on this board and the Lincoln Project of Republican "never Trumper's" who spent hundreds of millions of dollars trying to defeat Trump? Over $300 million was spent trying to defeat McConnell, Graham, Collins and Ernst and all won!

And all those Republicans that were going to abandon Trump? He got 5 million more votes this time than he did in 2016, 68 million people voted for Trump.

And the polling, OMG, these people should be embarrassed to ever run another poll and guess who was hinting at that? No less than some people at CNN and MSNBC who were brave enough to speak truth to power though not very loudly.

Quinnipiac polling was a full 19% points off on the Collins race in Maine and not one single poll conducted had Collins winning, not one.

Quinnipiac had Biden at 50 and Trump at 39.

A Washington Post poll had Biden at 57% and Trump at 40% in Wisconsin. How could they be so wrong after getting 2016 so wrong? Well, you know the the answer to that one.
HedonistForever's Avatar
I guess my mother was right. I'm a moron. Originally Posted by Tiny

Come on Tiny, I'm counting on you for some analysis because you are no moron. I know I'm not going to get a thing from the Left but ad hominem attacks but I consider you and Independent thinker and I can't say that about a lot of people on this board.

How could the polling be so wrong? How do they justify spending over 300 million to defeat McConnell, Graham, Ernst and Collins? Because they wanted those seats so bad they would have sold their mothers to win them.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
I don't understand why anyone would want to vote for Biden, but people actually want lockdowns, government control and race riots.

It's the darndest thing. Only a rich asshole would want lockdowns, race riots and the stock market to crash. I'm most concerned about jobs and the economy than anything. It's surprising to me that apparently most people are not.

I was looking forward to a sharp economic recovery, but now I am imagining more lockdowns and mandates. If the economy doesn't collapse, it will climb at a snails pace. I might be broke as fuck from now on. A stimulus check is equivalent to a fucking ration. I worked in hospitality and was royally fucked by all of this god damn bullshit. Fuck these commie dipshits.
HedonistForever's Avatar
I guess my mother was right. I'm a moron. Originally Posted by Tiny

Come on Tiny, I'm counting on you for some analysis because you are no moron. I know I'm not going to get a thing from the Left but ad hominem attacks but I consider you and Independent thinker and I can't say that about a lot of people on this board.

How could the polling be so wrong? How do they justify spending over 300 million to defeat McConnell, Graham, Ernst and Collins? Because they wanted those seats so bad they would have sold their mothers to win them. Proving once again what I have been saying for years, more money does not guarantee you a win.

I actually heard somebody on MSNBC wondering outloud if they need to try harder to understand what happened with their thinking about how Americans felt about Republicans and what the hell went wrong?
HedonistForever's Avatar
I don't understand why anyone would want to vote for Biden, but people actually want lockdowns, government control and race riots.

It's the darndest thing. Only a rich asshole would want lockdowns, race riots and the stock market to crash. I'm most concerned about jobs and the economy than anything. It's surprising to me that apparently most people are not.

I was looking forward to a sharp economic recovery, but now I am imagining more lockdowns and mandates. If the economy doesn't collapse, it will climb at a snails pace. I might be broke as fuck from now on. A stimulus check is equivalent to a fucking ration. I worked in hospitality and was royally fucked by all of this god damn bullshit. Fuck these commie dipshits. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong

It came down to hatred of one man more than his policies. I know Democrats who admitted as much, that they would rather lose money than see Trump re-elected.

I also think many of those Democrats never heard a discouraging word from the media they listened to. I had more than a couple of Democrats including on this board, that they never heard things being said on other media. Can't understand what you refuse to hear.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Van Jones over at MSDNC said he was sad and hurt even though they apparently won a political victory if Biden wins ( and I still believe he will ) because he wanted a "moral" victory, a repudiation of Trump and where the country was heading under Trump's leadership and he didn't get that moral victory, that repudiation of Trump with a landslide that he wanted, that he expected.

Van Jones is deeply disappointed in America today. I hope you can sleep well after hearing this tonight. Shame on you.
  • Tiny
  • 11-04-2020, 09:42 PM
Come on Tiny, I'm counting on you for some analysis because you are no moron. I know I'm not going to get a thing from the Left but ad hominem attacks but I consider you and Independent thinker and I can't say that about a lot of people on this board.

How could the polling be so wrong? How do they justify spending over 300 million to defeat McConnell, Graham, Ernst and Collins? Because they wanted those seats so bad they would have sold their mothers to win them. Proving once again what I have been saying for years, more money does not guarantee you a win.

I actually heard somebody on MSNBC wondering outloud if they need to try harder to understand what happened with their thinking about how Americans felt about Republicans and what the hell went wrong? Originally Posted by HedonistForever
You don't need to analyze it deeply Hedonist. It's just what's obvious to you and me. Many Americans aren't looking for a free ride and higher taxes. They have common sense. So when given the choice, say, between John Cornyn and MJ Hegar, they picked Cornyn, to provide an example from Texas. Out of state elitists like George Soros and James Simons can pump as much money as they want into elections, but unless they start giving us hookers for votes (in which case I could have been tempted to vote for Hegar), it's not necessarily going to change the outcome.

This is not a bad outcome, especially compared to what many of us thought we were looking at few days ago, being a Democratic clean sweep. Maybe the American people are smarter than we think. Look at what the stock market did earlier today. Why? Well, reasons include the following

1. There probably will be no tax hikes. No increase in the corporate tax rates and no selling to crystallize capital gains before a Biden tax increase boosts share prices
2. Lower deficit spending. Lower deficit spending may lead to lower long term interest rates, maybe less inflation, and less pressure down the road to repay our debts (this one's really above my paygrade -- you need LustyLad or Captain Midnight to explain)
4. The Biden victory means potentially lower tariffs. These are taxes on importers like Walmart, which the importers pass along to American consumers. So lower prices for some goods.

Wall Street certainly liked this development.
Just over half the country voted. Those that did not, roughly half, are too young, too sick or old and incarcerated with some just not caring. Of those voting that chose Biden are uneducated, primarily city dwellers, misinformed, Sanders supporters, feminists, and general socialist okayers. As a true Patriot and Veteran I’ve always believed that it’s our America to lose not to win. Trump’s mouth lost it for us. One too many tweets, one too many flip flops, one too many outrages. Trump had the true Americans won many of them Republican. How many times in our lifetime will we ever see a non politician make it all the way to the Presidency? How could he not win? Himself that’s how.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
One too many tweets?


Not all Veterans support Trump and most who blindly follow him are not patriots, but cultists.

Trumps get out the vote worked for him and inured to the benefit of the Republicans that were running. He brought up the whole ticket. I’m actually impressed by that and a bit shocked.

He also got the disdain vote out against him and that’s put some places in play that no one expected like GA and AZ. We knew the Midwest was likely to increase for Biden but Biden overperformed and that gave him relatively early Mich and Wisc victories. Penn I suspect will ultimately go Biden.

We will see whether Trump gets over 8% in the black vote. We will see whether the Hispanic vote overall increased. His Florida vote counts may be an anomaly that doesn’t carry over for the rest of the country.

Both sides will do some introspection because I said in another thread, 2020 will be the break and 2022 and 2024 will be a non-Trump election, no MAGA, no cult of personality. No running against Trump and no Trump on the ballet.