With the Holiday Season Upon Us....

40F Cougar's Avatar
Let's not forget to do something nice for the less fortunate. I mean to "pay it forward" we should all the time, but over the Holiday Season since I am always alone, I think about what I can do to make someone else holiday's better. Although I don't have a lot, I feel blessed with what I do have. This year as always I am giving coats, blankets, socks, shoes, food to the shelter. It's time to go thru my closet and see what warm clothes I can give up to help another stay warm. There are so many ways we can volunteer, time, donations, gifts, etc. Also if you have feral cats in your neighborhood, you can make little warm houses for them pretty inexpensively. There are a ton of video's on YouTube on how to do different ones.
There are many of our military fighting for us that have no family and never get any mail. You can find the address online where to send a Holiday card to them. Also they enjoy receiving letters, or having pen pals.
What are some of the things everyone is doing this year to help?
Krystal21's Avatar
Well for my own family they have been going through tough times and my nephew loves to read so for him I'm actually going to get a kindle fire. I want to encourage his read along with becoming tech savy. I'm probably going to give my mom a gift card to somewhere. Idk where yet though. Lol. I have already donated clothes as well.
Samcro84's Avatar
It is so easy to forget the ones that do not have it as good as we do. So anything will help the less fortunate. Help with electricity, help with Blue Santa (some may laugh), help with a Thanksgiving Diner for the homeless. Yes as PrincessLee clean out your closet. I need to do that the clothes that I will be able to wear again when I lose the weight - yea right, give the away.

Thanks for the idea PrincessLee
oden's Avatar
  • oden
  • 11-19-2012, 08:50 AM
Anything to the Salvation Army is leveraged by volunteer support. Human contact is so important and the SA gives that first and foremost. I urge that any gifts go through the SA or the Marines Toys for Tots as those are the top ranked charities that are most efficient.
40F Cougar's Avatar
Anything to the Salvation Army is leveraged by volunteer support. Human contact is so important and the SA gives that first and foremost. I urge that any gifts go through the SA or the Marines Toys for Tots as those are the top ranked charities that are most efficient. Originally Posted by oden
oden those are both really good charities. We just gave a refrigerator to SA.
The other thing you said human contact is very important, that's why I like to get involved.
40F Cougar's Avatar
This morning an older man standing in traffic caught my eye; scraggly looking, worse for the wear, had a cardboard sign, and a dirty stuff bear with a santa hat. Something made me pull over a lane and stop to give him what little coins I had in my purse and asked him if he wanted a potato breakfast taco, which he eagerly accepted. I asked if his bear was out helping him today? He said "yes her name is Shirley". I could tell from our short conversation, that he was "slow", what I like to term as "touched".
I decided when I pulled away, to make a bag of single serving items that don't need refrigeration, like cereal, tuna, potted meat, crackers, waters, and other food; including paper plates, plastic silverware and napkins, even some paper towels. Also include shampoo and soaps, etc from the hotels. Then when I see someone who is truly in need I can stop and give it to them.
I will be doing my annual Toy Drive and volunteering; however, this year I will also be donating to the American Red Cross...to benefit the victims of Hurricane Sandy. There are still many families who are without homes and simple necessities. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers!

American Red Cross Greater NY Region:

Also, for any fellow anglers out there...here's something you can purchase to help with the Hurricane Sandy Relief: http://www.fieldandstream.com/blogs/...-sandy-victims

I havve decided to play secret santa to my mechanic's 3 teenage kids... without going into the specifics I will say it is difficult to keep the power turned on in the household so Cristmas is a time the kids go without...