Iris in Fargo

Has anyone gone to see Iris in Fargo? I can't find any info on her. She appears to be brand new.
Hooliganmike23's Avatar
She isn't new, been around several years. She is very thin if you like that look, and has a pretty face. However she is basically a pump and dump. Only wants quick visits and will rush you even then. I have seen her maybe 6 times over the past 3 years, and it is what it is. A quick rushed pump and dump with a young hottie. If that is what you are looking for, then go for it.
Hooliganmike23's Avatar
Oh, one other thing about her. She is very unreliable. The last two times we were going to meet up she blew me off, no warning, no call or text, just stop responding. Then apologized hours later. Well that did me no good, she didn't offer to make it up to me or anything. So that kind of ended me wanting to see her anymore.
So much for the its me or its free claise she uses
Hooliganmike23's Avatar
Oh it is her, those are her pics in her ad. But everything else I said about her is true, if you want to pay good money for a rushed quick visit, then go for it. That is if she doesn't flake on you.
Thanks for the info. Doesn't seem like the best option for someone brand new to this.
Hooliganmike23's Avatar
No, I wouldn't want her to be my first experience in the hobby.
Is there anyone you recommend? don't know holligan...asking him what girl is good is like asking a fat kid in a candy store what is his fav piece of candy!! bahahaha y'all have a great day!!