Bad Review?

We are disputing the review that was posted by mrjet2014 . If anyone has read our reviews on here you know we are most always late, and most clients we get from here know this, not saying its right or wrong, its just the way it is and has been for the last 6 years.
As far as the review goes, before mrjet2014 left our in call he scheduled another appointment with us for the next evening, since he stated he would be here another week for training. Doesn't sound like he left here unhappy to me ?
When we finally called him the next evening to find out where he was, he just said it would have to be another day.
Several days later we received a text and mrjet2014 stated he wanted to book an appointment with me (Holly) alone I told him sorry we don't work alone . Again after that another text was sent asking the same which I ignored. Shortly after that we received a phone call from a provider who wanted to verify that we had in fact seen mrjet2014. After that is when he filed the negative review on us.
And now we just received another text from him asking for our Skype Id so we can do a live show for him !! This does not sound to me like an unhappy man.
Thanks H and R
Lucas McCain's Avatar
You guys have a lot of "no" reviews. I have no clue why anyone would be into what you two are offering, but why not fix your service and provide on time?

I doubt any person with a normal job can show up late all of the time for SIX years and just say, "sorry, that's just what I do." It sounds like you two clowns need to get with reality.

I don't know what is more pathetic - you two, or the dumb asses who expect different services than what they already know from the reviews they have read....If anything, it seems pretty consistent to me and you dumb asses who schedule with these clowns get EXACTLY what you were told to avoid.

And what a big shock, another dumb fuck gets painted as the bad guy from them after a bad review.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
That's funny.

But seriously, Mark. Go finish up your homework and fix supper!

Nothing but respect for Rifleman humor...That was cool, Glenn Q.
mr. bad luck's Avatar
So I have to ask, who's reading the review? Who has the premium access? And who's telling the other one the private material? Hmmmm
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
I dont understand how they even still get business with all of those bad reviews and horrible service.... saying things like "we are always late" i mean wtf?
I dont understand how they even still get business with all of those bad reviews and horrible service.... saying things like "we are always late" i mean wtf? Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
Just goes to show you that wacky provider logic is NOT gender specific! Kudo's to you ladies that handle your a business!

I dont understand how they even still get business with all of those bad reviews and horrible service.... saying things like "we are always late" i mean wtf? Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
See. No matter what, Mofos are forever gonna pay for the action they want.
We are disputing the review that was posted by mrjet2014 . If anyone has read our reviews on here you know we are most always late, and most clients we get from here know this, not saying its right or wrong, its just the way it is and has been for the last 6 years. Originally Posted by Holly and Rod
Newsflash - it's WRONG. It's rude and I've read all of your reviews and it's hard to believe you've not yet caught on that people don't care to wait around for an hour or so and watch TV with your husband while you get ready. It's rude and that repeated act along with this post show you just don't get it.

I promise - if you didn't have something unique in terms of being a couple you'd have been out of this long ago. Any lady on here would get buried in a second if she pulled the same crap you two do.

Assume you're looking for some sympathy since you posted this but sorry dear, sympathy is only served to those that deserve it.
I absolutely can not stand people that think being late to anything is okay. What makes you think you and YOUR time are more valuable than mine or anyone else's? It is incredibly rude to schedule a session and then deliberately not be ready. I am still amazed at all of the things some guys are willing to put up with to PAY for pussy. Not sure starting this thread was in y'all's best interest.
Boltfan's Avatar
We are disputing the review that was posted by mrjet2014 . If anyone has read our reviews on here you know we are most always late, and most clients we get from here know this, not saying its right or wrong, its just the way it is and has been for the last 6 years.
As far as the review goes, before mrjet2014 left our in call he scheduled another appointment with us for the next evening, since he stated he would be here another week for training. Doesn't sound like he left here unhappy to me ?
When we finally called him the next evening to find out where he was, he just said it would have to be another day.
Several days later we received a text and mrjet2014 stated he wanted to book an appointment with me (Holly) alone I told him sorry we don't work alone . Again after that another text was sent asking the same which I ignored. Shortly after that we received a phone call from a provider who wanted to verify that we had in fact seen mrjet2014. After that is when he filed the negative review on us.
And now we just received another text from him asking for our Skype Id so we can do a live show for him !! This does not sound to me like an unhappy man.
Thanks H and R Originally Posted by Holly and Rod
So this review is pretty much in tune with your other shitty reviews, yet you protest this one?
I just don't get the allure of the service. I guess this is niche for real.
Mr. Jet's review is accurate because too many negative reviews reflect the exact same bad experiences. Also, I think the actual number of bad experiences are much greater because many hobbyist like myself are/were simply too embarrassed at the time to admit they fell for the Holly and Rob trap.

Mine was ~1 year ago and after an hour of sitting on the coach and listening to Holly and Rob argue I simply left. The one time you peeked around the corner to tell me you were "getting ready" it was obvious that your pictures were very dated.

So now that the can of worms have been opened Holly perhaps it's time to stop lashing out to all the unhappy hobbyist and accept the fact that you are the problem. People take time out of their busy schedules and drive to your location only to sit on the couch and listen to arguing which amounts to 2.5-3 hours round trip of frustration.
I just looked how many Yes/No reviews they actually have. Out of 11 they have 4 No's and are well known for being late and having clients just sit in front of the TV waiting w/ her husband or just listening to them argue in the next room. Not to mention forbidden topics, strange behavior & half ass service..

Who would still take a chance on that?? There are so many more options in DFW, and I'm sure there are others who offer the same kind of thing while maintaining their business PROFESSIONALLY.

Defending the more than likely accurate NO you guys got probably isn't in your best interest at this point.. Kinda like the boy who cried wolf.. But I could be wrong.
I dispute their dispute.