Abusive/Troublesome Hobbyists

Is it just me or have there been an inordinate number of alerts regarding rude, crude, abusive, drunk Hobbyists? Has something changed or have I just not been paying enough attention to the Alerts section?
Its not just you!!! OMG, I was just thinking the same thing yesterday!!! I don't know whats going on. I've been in the biz 8 years next month.......I've never seen this many complaints in a short period of time. I'll tell you what though, providers & hobbiest need to get their shit together...some of us already have it together, but its getting out of control. People need to start being nicer. I see hobbiest on here being so freaking rude!!! And providers are having to defend themselves. Providers robbing hobbiests. People beating people.....WTF???? Are you serious??? The way things are for hobbiest & providers, we might as well be on the track. Ladies not respecting their own incall on being clean for the gents. Men coming in for an appointment from a long days work.....but don't have the decency to take a shower. Providers robbing hobbiest, hobbiest robbing providers. hobbiest beating providers. Hobbiest trying to negotiate prices. This is all the things that pertain to "Track Activity". But yet some try and talk down on the "Track".......Well, seems to me the "Track" has been brought indoors & online. Ladies & Gents, is this really what we want? I sure in hell don't. Activity like this makes me wanna retire. But Thank Goodness I have some of the BEST clients that make it all worth while!!! I'm so sorry to hear about everyone's bad experiences.
Its sad when its members from the board. Completely gone crazy, and lose all their manners, providers and Hobbyist. Its scary out there, some of the stuff i've read in alerts makes backpage look like the perfect place.
  • hd
  • 02-23-2011, 12:49 PM
I think it's probably a very small percentage, and we only hear about the bad ones. But it's beyond me how a man or woman could act in such a way. There are other factors involved other than just the act of sex coming into play here.

But that's what the alert section is for, and there are periods of calm and then it hits the fan. I think we're in that cycle of bad stuff happening right now.
You know the economy is bad when the hobbyists are just as fucked up as the providers.
  • hd
  • 02-23-2011, 01:06 PM
cpi3000, is your mailbox maxed out yet!
elgato111's Avatar
I have been hobbying for many years and I don't think I have ever seen it this bad before, on both sides.

I think that the uncertainty of the economy is causing people to lose all perspective about hobbying. Think about it, the cost of living these days seems to increase almost daily, ie gas prices, food, and let's not forget pussy!

Hobbyists are being more selective about who they see cause they want every dollar they spend to be worth the service provided. Providers have raised their prices trying to make up for the money they lost when some of their regulars have had to cut down from seeing them every week to every other week or just once a month. Needless to say the supply is far more than the demand right now.

For both, hobbyists and providers, let's keep in mind that both of us are using the business to either satisfy an itch or provide for our families. Both of us need to put our best feet forward, be attentive to each others needs and treat each other with respect and both of us will enjoy the time we spend together.

As my old daddy used to say, "You get what you give".
You know the economy is bad when the hobbyists are just as fucked up as the providers. Originally Posted by cpi3000

LMFAO! Isn't that the God's honest truth

Soooooooo glad that someone can find the humor in all this!

But seriously yes, it is messed up lately, this past month especially. We have lost that mutual respect and sense of community we once had.

  • PT4ME
  • 02-23-2011, 01:59 PM
.......Well, seems to me the "Track" has been brought indoors & online. Originally Posted by Carly's Angels


I think that sums it up perfectly, Carly
I remember reading an Anthropologist, Collin Turmbull, I believe. He wrote several books on his studies of societies that had behaviors outside the norm, In the Mountain People he studied an African hill tribe where they constantly robbed, tricked each other, lied constantly and that was the normal behavior. He found that as a people they were slowly starving to death.

His unifing theory was that when societies go outside of the universals, mistreating women, stealing from clients, the society is under stress. The economy has stresed this little micro society. Girls are in need so they get casual about screening, they end up beaten, or drugged and beaten, perhaps a trip to the ER with a bruised cervix from some Viagra abusing 300 lb Lothario. A snatch and grab which might have been unthinkable a few months ago might seem different if you can't feed your kids.

So, ladies please screen, TALK to references, if your Spiddy senses are on, respect it don't go there. Me, I am sticking with mature providers that I know. Leave the drama for Grand Opera.
Lana Warren's Avatar
I've said this a million times.......You get what you put out!
You put out wonderfully!
Lana Warren's Avatar
You put out wonderfully! Originally Posted by slowmover
LOL! If my memory serves me right, so do you!
Carly, girl... I completely agree with you.. I've been on the sidelines and have seen a drastic change.. And not a good one either..

BTW, you look GREAT as always!
Rude and Crude are a matter of perspective and with an alert on such you are getting what i would probably believe to be 1 persons very self serving version of the story..

as far as abusive/drunk/ et all... well.. for starters there is a huge influx of backpage/CL crossovers. Understand I am not knocking people in general from there..but years back things were a closer knit followed the rules community..

basically what it boils down to is you had PROVIDERS and HOBBYIEST who knew how to be professionals.. professional providers who weren't fuck ups and drama filled.. and hobbyiest who had their shit together and expected nothing less from there providers

with the influx of backpage and CL types..once again not all but some don't know how to be professional providers and hobbyiest.. their idea of hobbying is picking up the phone and finding the cheapest thing you can.. screening they hope they can avoid.. reviews they have no clue about..providers don't know about screening.. they have posted various numbers tied to various girls with the ever popular CELL PHONE IN A MIRROR IN A HOTEL BATHROOM pics posted.. and guys are use to that

guys don't realize there is better..they get over here and it shocks the system.. instead of playing up to this level..they wanna drag people down to the easier to function for them level.

It is what it is.. in years past we could all say our peace and disagree and get heated and at the end of the day we all still had business..still making money.. is economy to blame? who knows? is lack of professional hobbyiest and providers to blame? who knows... is the fact hobbyiest may be accepting less and letting more slide giving the propensity of ALERTS/black balling and listing that occurs the first time you slight some provider.. perhaps..

in the end.. the bed that we are laying in.. is one that we have either tolerated/accepted or simply allowed to happen and now we are reaping what we have sown..

there are many many things providers and hobbyiest can do to bring the level of professionalism up..sadly..often guys are left thinkign with their little head and pocket book and girls are thinking with their pocket book and the need for business instead of taking steps to improve the place