The Reality of Obamacare

I recommend reading the whole article but have quoted a key part.

The president argued before the Supreme Court that ObamaCare’s regulatory scheme cannot work with out the individual mandate. Yet he has now exempted millions of the very people he most needs to comply with it. This exemption siphons good risks out of the Exchanges and destabilizes the risk pools for both the standard ObamaCare plans and the catastrophic plans. Participating carriers set the rates for their Exchange plans with the expectation that these folks would be purchasing bronze, silver, gold, and platinum plans through the Exchanges. But the healthiest members of this now-exempt group are the most likely to go uninsured or purchase a catastrophic plan. So Obama’s blanket exemption makes those risk pools older and sicker.

This blanket exemption also destabilizes the risk pools for the catastrophic plans. It opens those pools to lots of people over age 30, who have higher health expenses than people under age 30, and whom the insurers were not expecting to buy catastrophic plans when they set those rates.


This exemption also shows Obama is not interested in bipartisanship. Just as Republicans would have worked with him to delay the employer mandate, they would have happily worked with him to craft an exemption to the individual mandate. In both cases, the president took drastic, and possibly illegal, action to avoid working with Republicans. (It may yet dawn on Obama that he is the reason we don’t have a “normal political environment.”)
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-29-2013, 11:06 PM
They wanted to defund it, not work with him!

Had anybody in the GOP worked with Obama they would have had a Tea Nut to run against in the primary.
More Dimtard revisionist history. Obama would not negotiate. Period.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Wonder why
flghtr65's Avatar
I recommend reading the whole article but have quoted a key part.

The president argued before the Supreme Court that ObamaCare’s regulatory scheme cannot work with out the individual mandate. Yet he has now exempted millions of the very people he most needs to comply with it. This exemption siphons good risks out of the Exchanges and destabilizes the risk pools for both the standard ObamaCare plans and the catastrophic plans. Participating carriers set the rates for their Exchange plans with the expectation that these folks would be purchasing bronze, silver, gold, and platinum plans through the Exchanges. But the healthiest members of this now-exempt group are the most likely to go uninsured or purchase a catastrophic plan. So Obama’s blanket exemption makes those risk pools older and sicker.

This blanket exemption also destabilizes the risk pools for the catastrophic plans. It opens those pools to lots of people over age 30, who have higher health expenses than people under age 30, and whom the insurers were not expecting to buy catastrophic plans when they set those rates.


This exemption also shows Obama is not interested in bipartisanship. Just as Republicans would have worked with him to delay the employer mandate, they would have happily worked with him to craft an exemption to the individual mandate. In both cases, the president took drastic, and possibly illegal, action to avoid working with Republicans. (It may yet dawn on Obama that he is the reason we don’t have a “normal political environment.”) Originally Posted by gnadfly
Republicans are not interested in bipartisanship. What was Mitt's number one campaign promise? It was he would repeal Obamacare his first day in office. Senator Ted Cruze shut down the government over Obamacare. We will not be able to gage the success of Obmacare until the March numbers come out.
Onotnegotiate... nuff said... soon to be called Oimpeached...LOL
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Republicans are not interested in bipartisanship. What was Mitt's number one campaign promise? It was he would repeal Obamacare his first day in office. Senator Ted Cruze shut down the government over Obamacare. We will not be able to gage the success of Obmacare until the March numbers come out. Originally Posted by flghtr65
You have the cart before the horse. When did Mitt promise to repeal Obamacare? 2012. When did Obama get Obamacare passed without negoiation, without GOP input, without GOP votes, without a working idea? 2010! Obama demonstrated with Nancy and Sid that he would not going to compromise and he didn't. What is this Cruz crap? A senator in the minority party "shut down the government". How is that possible? You need to get your brain lubricated.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
The Ted-Hate is strong with Flighter
LexusLover's Avatar
Wonder why Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
LexusLover's Avatar
We will not be able to gage the success of Obmacare until the March numbers come out. Originally Posted by flghtr65
#1: Which March?
#2: Which numbers?
#3: What is this "We" shit?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I have said it in sooooo many threADs that if Obamacare was such a good law, why are sooooooo many exempt from it.
What happened to equal protection under the law.
Seems like this administration likes to pick and choose the winners and losers in many aspects of our lives.
LexusLover's Avatar
What happened to equal protection under the law. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Affirmative action for his friends.....To someone the handwriting ought to have been obvious.

I'll never understand why people will vehemently support political parties, that only have their own interests at heart!
No current political party to date, has the people's interests at heart. It's a power game, and big money, for the politician's to say the right things, yet all the while the lobbyists, and supporters make them filthy rich! They even have their own health plan, all paid for by us, and has more to offer than us.
Name one government social plan for us, to date, that has worked right, and that every penny has gone to help the people! None!
If one thinks that this new health program is going to work, then they're living in Disney Land! Where is all this money going to come from, and where does it show that the program's working, or will ever work? The screwed up system we have, or had prior to the New Health care was totally screwed up, but at least we could partialy see where the money's going! Like over priced doctor bills, over priced hospitals, over priced prescriptions, on and on and on! The New Health care will add nothing but expensive governmental layers of expenses, all in the name of taking care of some little Billy, or Sue, all the while the majority of this countries populous will suffer from extreme costs, in the form of higher taxes and higher premiums. The costs to the business's, we work for, will have to raise their prices costing all to lose jobs, and to be paid less!
To say that just because it's become a law that we all will have health care, is a myth, because it all has an economic cost, and no one to date has proven where the money will come from, especially after it took the last 70+ years to bankrupt our government sponsored retirement for the baby boomers, whom are just now hitting the retirement age!
No one knows, really, where the money's going to come from to take care of US! Yes you and the rest of us who are left holding the bag, long after the Bush's and Obama's are gone! Period!
Think Obama's going to give up his free special health care for his/us people, hell he's to busy spending our money in Hawaii playing golf on our dime! Think about it! Be Honest!
This has nothing to do with whether or not they're good people at heart! I think in their own compromised positions, of having to sell their souls to the devil, in order to be where they is all our fault! We voted them in, and we mostly all seemed blind in supporting the same old Republican, Democrat platforms, saying it's the best we've got, Really?
We the people need to kick the hell out of the Health Care politicians, and then vote out the rest. Start over and vote in politicians willing to start over with a balanced budget, setting term limits of one term whether they're in Congress, Senate, the Presidency, and I think our Supreme Court Judges need to be prosecuted when they start making up their own laws by re-interpreting our existing laws!
Did I Miss Anything? IJA?
Oh Ya!~ Happy New Year!!!!
#1: Which March?
#2: Which numbers?
#3: What is this "We" shit? Originally Posted by LexusLover
The March of 2017 after the Hillary is installed by the unquestioning media.

I have said it in sooooo many threADs that if Obamacare was such a good law, why are sooooooo many exempt from it.
What happened to equal protection under the law.
Seems like this administration likes to pick and choose the winners and losers in many aspects of our lives. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
And if its soooooooooooooooooooo great why aren't they making their numbers? If Obama was giving away $1000 bills his constituents wouldn't let a broken website stop 'em.
If you've read one of these articles on Obamacare, you've read them all. Obamacare is really nothing more than an information gathering program disguised as Health Care Ins. That's why they would love for everyone to buy into it. Eventually though, everyone will have their Healthcare Ins under the Affordable Healthcare Act. Iam sure these politicians get a kick out of hearing people rave over that people will have Health Ins. and be able to afford it, lol. They can give a flying fuck about whether anyone has Health Ins or not. The goal is to nationalize Healthcare. Completely destroy the Health Ins industry, Build extensive information databases through Healthcare Information. They will do the same to other aspects of our lives in the future. Wait till the next census when they ask personal questions that don't pertain to population, such as what are your hobbies, and some unsuspecting twit puts down " Oh I like Sky Diving" then they will wonder why their Health Ins will suddenly sky rocket. Obamacare is just the tip of the iceberg.
