New porn law

pickupkid's Avatar
SpiceItUp's Avatar
Typical ham fisted over legislation of an industry, it wouldn't be the first time California engaged in such a thing. Say goodbye to yet another local industry. When this happens in a capitalist society, businesses just move elsewhere. Until this gains some sort of national traction, the porn industry will simply do business somewhere else other than California.

Since the law passed, LA has had 95% less porn permit applications. An estimated 20% of the industry will leave California this year. Vegas is going to be the new LA when it comes to porn production.

Producers say it was too expensive in LA anyway, then add a law that tries to force them to fundamentally change their business product (who wants to watch porn with condoms?) and it's Vegas here we come!
Good for them. If Porn stars wear condoms every time then it will help change the perception that condoms are the smart, safe thing to do every time. People, especially younger folks, are especially influenced by what they see and hear. If the porn industry does it, then it will make it easier for some girl to insist on it and maybe save a few lives and reduce the spread of STDs.
There's a fair amount more to this story than just "condoms is good", but you had to follow it for a number of years to know what was really going on.
kandicekox's Avatar
I'm a believer in letting business's run their business how they see fit. That being said the porn industry could help change condom perception...but lets be real porn isn't in the moral right anyway to the main stream , so what do they owe the main stream to set the example? They don't , it will only shift to a new location with tax breaks and more than willing participants.
ck1942's Avatar
Would be very interesting federal lawsuit if the County or the State enacted an "all persons engaged in sexual activity must be covered" condom law with the only exceptions allowed being "married" couples and "civilly committed" couples.

As I recall, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts once upon a time allowed the sale of condoms only for the prevention of veneral disease but not for birth control.
  • DMike
  • 04-18-2014, 11:00 AM
bigger problems out there and there worried about condoms in porn ! Only in AMERICA !!
Cpalmson's Avatar
That is why you are seeing more and more "amateur porn" appearing. If those engaged are not paid then they don't have to follow the law.

Also, this is fucking porn. Who the hell wants to see people using condoms? I don't give a damn about raising awareness about protection and STDs. Everyone who is in the hobby or watches porn should know the risks. Promiting condom use has almost risen to the point of propaganda.
Yeah I think it's a step in the right direction.