Fishing do you men really care.?

Alot of ladies will put up threads to see if anyone is interested if they go to the Town they are thinking about. It has been common practice Know before you Go. But you can not really know unless you Go and heck you might go at the wrong time etc etc etc.

I found it very interesting that when I logged on to my p411 account there was a note of an increase on the ad boards from 2 bucks to 5 bucks no biggy but the reason behind it was of fishing ads? ANd the letter kind of chastised the ladies who do fish and said it was unfair to the ladies that don't practice that behavior..(LIKE IT WAS A BAD THING) IS IT BAD in the hobbiest eye? ...In a business point of view I would think it would not matter if people are paying for advertising it would not matter if they planned on going or not but hey what do I know....

I myself don't do it much if any I decide where I am going. See me or don't but if you don't I may not visit again...That is how I fish I go throw my line out their when I am

I have not posted in a while found that interesting and my curious mind wanted to do know.

Happy Easter
My question is , how one is to determine if the provider wasn't in that city or booked? Is Big Brother here already? If I pay for points, it should be used how I like it to be used.
RedLeg505's Avatar
IS IT BAD in the hobbiest eye? Originally Posted by Majichands
I have no problem with providers posting 'fishing' ads saying "Anyone interested in me visiting KC"? or whatever city. My problem is, when we hobbyists RESPOND and book an appointment, then are told you cancelled because not enough people booked appointments. Now, I get it, I understand you can't lay out the money for travel (car/air tickets/etc), food, lodging, etc if you aren't going to make enough in appointments to cover it.

But understand how that appears to the guy(s) that DID pre-book, that you cancelled on. The next time that provider puts up a "fishing" ad or sends out a contact that she'll be in my town in a few weeks, my response is going to be "Great!! Look forward to seeing you. LET ME KNOW WHEN YOU ARRIVE and I'll book then." Because I'm certainly not going to pre-book again after you cancelled the last time.

Others may see it differently. That's how I look at it.
I did that once in Carlesbat New Mexico .Or somewhere there but it was not a fishing ad I was actually going but then only had 2 appointments hell only two calls and well midland where I had regular over powered my phone lines.. And I cancelled my trip to a new place for a sure thing I promised I would not do that again but sure did do it before. Guilty as charged .. Sometime our pockets are screaming louder than our integrity in keeping our word or plans..
Bobave's Avatar
One man's opinion - fishing ads are total bullshit. They instantly irritate me and I have never seen a provider who engages in that behavior. Come or don't come, but don't pull that coy bs.
Cpalmson's Avatar
I'm the same way. I don't mind if a lady throws out a request to see if anyone bites. However, once a guy pre-books, it is totally unprofessional to cancel due to lack of other responses. You bite the bullet, accept the losses and honor your commitment. There are other ways of making up for a lack of a response. Throw up a BP ad, send a message/e-mail to past clients in or near the area, but don't give a guy a set of blue balls b/c other guys didn't respond. Some of us have to balance our schedules. If we pre-book, you can be pretty much assured that we had to jump through at least one small hoop in order to pre-book. I go burned on this so, now I will respond to a fishing ad with a fishing reply-- "when you get to town, I'll let you know if my schedule permits me to see you".

I have no problem with providers posting 'fishing' ads saying "Anyone interested in me visiting KC"? or whatever city. My problem is, when we hobbyists RESPOND and book an appointment, then are told you cancelled because not enough people booked appointments. Now, I get it, I understand you can't lay out the money for travel (car/air tickets/etc), food, lodging, etc if you aren't going to make enough in appointments to cover it.

But understand how that appears to the guy(s) that DID pre-book, that you cancelled on. The next time that provider puts up a "fishing" ad or sends out a contact that she'll be in my town in a few weeks, my response is going to be "Great!! Look forward to seeing you. LET ME KNOW WHEN YOU ARRIVE and I'll book then." Because I'm certainly not going to pre-book again after you cancelled the last time.

Others may see it differently. That's how I look at it. Originally Posted by RedLeg505
My question is , how one is to determine if the provider wasn't in that city or booked? Is Big Brother here already? If I pay for points, it should be used how I like it to be used. Originally Posted by Eva Damita
And my thing also at 2 bucks a pop or two points a pop..same difference most providers me included would post in surrounding Cities example if I was going to San ANgelo I would post there Abilene Midland and Lubbock that would be 6 bucks I would fork out cause my visiting ad city is free. never know when someone will travel or passing through.... Now that they are 5 bucks I just pick one city to post that is near. I save a dollar they lost a dollar...LOL but I lost 2 cities I may or may not get business in ,,, WHO KNOWS..
I just thought it odd that fishing was considered bad behavior ..After reading the hobbiest views its a little bit more clear I see both sides. but I am with you if we pay to list it should not matter if we list and cancel but we are not on the other end of the stick lol
pyramider's Avatar
I'm the same way. I don't mind if a lady throws out a request to see if anyone bites. However, once a guy pre-books, it is totally unprofessional to cancel due to lack of other responses. You bite the bullet, accept the losses and honor your commitment. There are other ways of making up for a lack of a response. Throw up a BP ad, send a message/e-mail to past clients in or near the area, but don't give a guy a set of blue balls b/c other guys didn't respond. Some of us have to balance our schedules. If we pre-book, you can be pretty much assured that we had to jump through at least one small hoop in order to pre-book. I go burned on this so, now I will respond to a fishing ad with a fishing reply-- "when you get to town, I'll let you know if my schedule permits me to see you". Originally Posted by Cpalmson
What a load.

This is a business. If the lady has bills to pay how good of a strategy is it to go on a trip knowing she is likely to lose money? There is no financial commitment on the prebook. She owes the fucktard a PM stating she is sorry and that is all.
I'm the same way. I don't mind if a lady throws out a request to see if anyone bites. However, once a guy pre-books, it is totally unprofessional to cancel due to lack of other responses. You bite the bullet, accept the losses and honor your commitment. There are other ways of making up for a lack of a response. Throw up a BP ad, send a message/e-mail to past clients in or near the area, but don't give a guy a set of blue balls b/c other guys didn't respond. Some of us have to balance our schedules. If we pre-book, you can be pretty much assured that we had to jump through at least one small hoop in order to pre-book. I go burned on this so, now I will respond to a fishing ad with a fishing reply-- "when you get to town, I'll let you know if my schedule permits me to see you". Originally Posted by Cpalmson
I'm assuming you request multi-hours, right? I will see one person if the affair length is multi-hour. However the truth is, I have frequent hh and hour request the more I travel. Visiting gents tend to seek more lengthier affairs.

So one should choose investing ( advertising, transportation, room/board) in screwing a stranger over a house note or rent/car note/their children/etc?

Bite the bullet and end up in the streets doing something that I worked on to create stability? I have a feeling many providers will choose to sit on what they have, and work super hard to find someone in the surrounding areas and cities to screw them instead of traveling, being in a new/foreign place. Believe it or not, this hobby can be scary to some.

What a load.

This is a business. If the lady has bills to pay how good of a strategy is it to go on a trip knowing she is likely to lose money? There is no financial commitment on the prebook. She owes the fucktard a PM stating she is sorry and that is all. Originally Posted by pyramider
I certainly agree. Just as if a gentleman cancels because an emergency came up and hobby funds diminished completely, he must take child to doctor, I wouldn't say he should bite the bullet, that's the risk he took by pre-booking - forget the kid and it's health.

Sometimes, although we are in many ways our own business, we ourselves , physically, are not a inanimate product. At the end of the day , we're humans - and with humans life happens.Sometimes this fact is overlooked.

Besides, I'd rather see a confident, happy provider not desperate in a bad situation and having to rely on desperate means to get $$$ just to make it home. Rent's late and she's back at square one. It's not worth it, mentally, not just financially. She might as well get a (full-time) job - which is what many are doing now.
Cpalmson's Avatar
What a load.

This is a business. If the lady has bills to pay how good of a strategy is it to go on a trip knowing she is likely to lose money? There is no financial commitment on the prebook. She owes the fucktard a PM stating she is sorry and that is all. Originally Posted by pyramider
Yes, it is a business-- a customer service oriented business. If you piss off customers, you have no business.

I pre-booked with one girl who blew me off at the very last minute b/c she didn't have "enough" business to justify the cost. Really? Her cost would have been about $150 for the room, food and any gas money associated with coming to my town. I was going to pay her $300. By dissing me, she lost $150. I'm sure when she "planned" her trip, she anticipated making more than $150, but still she wold have made money. On the flip side, how many customers did she lose when I made it my goal in life to bad mouth her for about six month? She probably lost a lot more money that way vs going ahead with her trip to see me. What PISSED me off is that 10 hours before we were to meet, she was like "Sure, the date is on. I'll let you know the location in the morning." Our planned date was for the morning and we were talking at 10pm at night. I though she was already in town. She KNEW at that point she wasn't coming but didn't have the courtesy to tell me then. I had specifically arranged to be free for our morning rendezvous. Talk about a rude awakening when I go to text for her location to find out she wasn't going to show. I found out literally as I was walking out the door. That is BULLSHIT and unacceptable. Honor commitments or have the fucking courtesy to let the client know as soon as possible--- NOT when he is walking out the door to meet you.
pyramider's Avatar
One should not get so butt hurt over an appointment falling through. Do you get that bent when your doctor, lawyer, or CPA leave you hanging? Probably not.

Bad mouthing does nothing but make you look bad also unless you do it in a professional way and not the vindictiveness of trying to destroy another's livelihood.
Prime Time's Avatar
Taint never cancels.
OH MY bad mouthing for 6 months? over a cancelation glad she did not stand you up.... I mean I ream people a new one for a no call no show but a cancellation last minute or not is a cancellation... but hey what do I know .. ANd by the way why the hell drive 6 hrs for 150 profit when you can stay home and make that...... math is a great thing so is grammer but hey at least I learned one in school..LOL
back on topic FISHING ADS...
I think the most fishing ads are in West Texas
gimme_that's Avatar
However the truth is, I have frequent hh and hour request the more I travel. Originally Posted by Eva Damita
How many HH and hr's booked for you represents less prebooked risk in a new avertising area. How big does the multihour cash wise have to be.

In regards to TOURING providers cancelling last minute on multihours.........that's freaking unacceptable. In cpalmson case......she was being another lady could have easily taken her place had she given him enough notice. 12 hours notice would be fair, anything less very unacceptable.

I've been in situations where ladys turned me down on a touring prebooked overnight booking............due to not many other prebooks. These ladies would have easily had 700 to 1500 dollars guaranteed from me had they just have shown up. Because if and when I have to cancel an appointment......especially and overnight on a touring provider it makes me look worse as a potential client. Now imagine my surprise when this lady didn't show up. I've even had some tell me I can't book them the first night they arrive because I would work their bodys over too much to not have a $usce$$ful trip.

So what are you ladies touring prebook expectations. I think an overnight prebooked or three hour appointments is enough for a tour.

I don't mind ladies posting fishing tour isos though. Because I hate worse to see a last minute "I'm here" ad with no warning of a tour. But most of those fishing inquiries should be followed with a tour percentage wise. If she continually post them in multiple cities and doesn't come through it gets annoying. Sometimes you gotta invest money in a tour so that it can be an option in the future. Word gets around and guys like consistency. Maybe offer a prebook discount for those who book early by 100 to 50 dollars and hour. Incentive for us that can clear our schedule is helpful.

I think moreso unless a lady is very popular in an area.....she will probably book more people who don't prebook versus those that do.
Cpalmson's Avatar
At least someone gets where I'm coming from. Huge difference between canceling a few hours ahead of time and canceling just before the date was supposed to happen. Trust me, I get an emergency. This was no emergency. The provider KNEW hours before that she had no intention of keeping our pre-booked date with her decision simply being based on no further bookings.

How many HH and hr's booked for you represents less prebooked risk in a new avertising area. How big does the multihour cash wise have to be.

In regards to TOURING providers cancelling last minute on multihours.........that's freaking unacceptable. In cpalmson case......she was being another lady could have easily taken her place had she given him enough notice. 12 hours notice would be fair, anything less very unacceptable.

I've been in situations where ladys turned me down on a touring prebooked overnight booking............due to not many other prebooks. These ladies would have easily had 700 to 1500 dollars guaranteed from me had they just have shown up. Because if and when I have to cancel an appointment......especially and overnight on a touring provider it makes me look worse as a potential client. Now imagine my surprise when this lady didn't show up. I've even had some tell me I can't book them the first night they arrive because I would work their bodys over too much to not have a $usce$$ful trip.

So what are you ladies touring prebook expectations. I think an overnight prebooked or three hour appointments is enough for a tour.

I don't mind ladies posting fishing tour isos though. Because I hate worse to see a last minute "I'm here" ad with no warning of a tour. But most of those fishing inquiries should be followed with a tour percentage wise. If she continually post them in multiple cities and doesn't come through it gets annoying. Sometimes you gotta invest money in a tour so that it can be an option in the future. Word gets around and guys like consistency. Maybe offer a prebook discount for those who book early by 100 to 50 dollars and hour. Incentive for us that can clear our schedule is helpful.

I think moreso unless a lady is very popular in an area.....she will probably book more people who don't prebook versus those that do. Originally Posted by gimme_that