What's the worst thing that has happen to you during your meeting?

Ross B's Avatar
During a date gentlemen asked for a p-massage. Before our meeting he clearly did the number 2 and didn't clean him self good and didn't bother to take a shower I was so disgusted.
I had a guy that started bleeding from huge bumps that he had on his head. Bloodied up my pillow. Another guy's manhood started to bleed and he expected me to give him BBBJ (I don't think so!)
pyramider's Avatar
Ladies tend to point and laugh at my 1.3" of dangling death. One laughed so hard she broke a rib, and cracked two others. A couple have hyperventilated from the laughter and passed out.
Prime Time's Avatar
Pool session with my ATF.

In the middle of our time together, we were taking a break and talking. All of a sudden from his phone, I heard a voice. OMG! I was totally freaked out.

He said that it rang and he had a word that answers the phone. I don't know about technology, but he could have had the woman listen to our entire time together.

I now have a new rule, take your shoes off in the living room and put your phone in your shoes.

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-24-2014, 09:47 AM
The lady had a massive stroke in the middle of the night.
She opened the door....and it went down hill from there!!
pyramider's Avatar
At that point, that is on you ...
Satyrrical's Avatar
Lady mentions she purchased the porn package from the hotel TV system, and it isn't working. I let her know I don't care and think we'll do just fine without. She decides that she wants the hotel staff to come up and fix it DURING our session, so she calls them on up. WTF.
Its not the worst, but definitely was a mood killer. It has happened 3 time during my 20 years of doing this. I learned to never, ever stick your fingers in a girls ass even though they like it and had done it previous with them.. not fun feeling a super warm turd about to come out.. very hard to discretely excuse myself to wash the shit off my finger and worst part it was underneath my finger nail....
A very long time ago I was in the middle of a wonderful date with a polite and sweet gentleman. Unfortunately his wife came home early. A fight broke out and she absolutely refused to give me my clothes for me to leave. She kept making me out to be a victim and the poor man I felt so sorry for him. It was the first, last and only time I have ever been accosted by a wife of my date.
- poppies escaping during vigorous greek. Stunk up the whole room. Session over.

- having thought I had met the perfect provider, her driver knocks on the door at one hour. Ruined the mood. Never again.
RideFreeInTexas's Avatar
I used to see a lady that just loved her ass played with- fingers, DATO and greek. One time I dove in for some DATO and.... oh god I can barely stand to say it because I still feel like throwing up but my tongue was hitting some rough texture, I pulled back and looked and there was dirty toilet paper stuck down in her ass crack.
  • DMike
  • 04-25-2014, 02:01 PM
alot of dirty ass's seem to be the worse so far in replies
Sinfonian's Avatar
Well, that just about sums it all up.