Tattoos, turn off, turn, on or just don't care ?

Gucci's Avatar
  • Gucci
  • 12-09-2014, 05:27 AM
Just wanted everyone's opinion about tattoos. As a hobbyist do tattoos on a provider bother you, if so why and at what point do they become " distracting " ? Also for you providers do you find tattoos on a client distracting ? If so why ?
Is what distracting? Where?? I'm ADHD, everything is distracting!!
Oh boy, yet another tattoo thread!!For me, I have ink and I like tasteful ink on a lady, big turn on for me.Crappy tattoos that look like prison ink or done by a kid in grade school I can live without however!
This might be distracting...
James1588's Avatar
Just wanted everyone's opinion about tattoos. As a hobbyist do tattoos on a provider bother you, if so why and at what point do they become " distracting " ? Also for you providers do you find tattoos on a client distracting ? If so why ? Originally Posted by Gucci
Mild turnoff here. The local provider that I see most often has a single one on her back which sometimes I don't even see, depending on activities. Myself, I don't think it enhances her appearance, but clearly she thinks otherwise, and it's her back, not mine. So her opinion is vastly more important.

Some things benefit from decoration and embellishment. To me, a naked woman looks so good that improvement through decoration is difficult. Sometimes, tasteful jewelry can "set her off." Ink? IMHO, no.
FoulRon's Avatar
Tasteful jewelry can draw attention to certain places. Ink, even when tasteful, tends to draw attention only to itself.
While I can enjoy a little ink, it certainly doesn't drive my engine. And as long as it's not overwhelming, I often find myself ignoring it. Hell, on a couple of ladies I've seen, I didn't even notice their ink until after a couple of sessions.
ICU 812's Avatar
I do not like Tattoos.

One or two little ones may be a accent mark . . .but:

Your name, or anyone else's, across your lower back is not a turn on. A whole sleeve or mural is a turn-off.

The American Pickers TV show has a personality, Daniel Colby, who is an attractive woman; gorgeous eyes, great smile, sharp wit . . .except for the pattern of dark spots that drapes from one shoulder to the other across her upper torso. Tats down her arms to the back of her hand as well. Not a desirable picture for me.
rogerdodger's Avatar
my current ATF has 2 small tats ... not very distracting. my next fav has several but none drape across her in a large area like across her chest/shoulder or ass. frankly, if the 2nd girl had NO tats she would be my only.
burkalini's Avatar
A little no problem. Too many is a distraction
Tetas's Avatar
  • Tetas
  • 12-09-2014, 11:37 AM
assman1980's Avatar
I love tattoos on a woman
Just wanted everyone's opinion about tattoos. As a hobbyist do tattoos on a provider bother you, if so why and at what point do they become " distracting " ? Also for you providers do you find tattoos on a client distracting ? If so why ? Originally Posted by Gucci
When i'm admiring a female body and savoring the pleasures of the flesh .. i don't want to be reminded i'm boinking a ghetto rat.. a drug addict etc,, and all tattoos ar ugly compared to plain flesh ... ugly as fuck and definitely a major turnoff if you cant find some way to ..."Look the other way"
jsparrow's Avatar
Totally depends on the quality of the woman...doesn't it? Some women are even more gorgeous with tattoos...others, not so much. But it really is about what SHE wants. After that, it's you're choice.
Cpalmson's Avatar
Every 3 months, we have this same old discussion. It is pretty much a split crowd.

I, for one, do NOT like ink on a lady. God already created you beautifully. God is perfect so no need to try and improve on His work.

Having said that, the generational odds are not in my favor as most ladies in my target age bracket have been brought up with a "tramp stamp" mentality. I've come to accept it and find it refreshing when I come across a hot 19 y.o. who has no ink. Now, that is something I crave.
I like the ink and if you is on top of her game and looks good, who gives a fuck, just enjoy.