Premium status

  • td476
  • 11-08-2010, 08:02 AM
I was just curious how the time frame of Premium Status works. I keep seeing people posting that they will submit a review in 4 or 5 weeks, I assume to try to get the most out of the 6 week Premium Status for the review. Is this how this works or do those 6 week status accumulate? Just curious.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
TD...Each approved review posted will earn 6 weeks of Premium Access credit. This credit will continue to accumulate for as long as the member continues to post reviews.

So, there is no need to hold reviews waiting until your current 6 weeks is almost up. For each approved review you get an additional 6 weeks and it is added on to the current run.
  • td476
  • 11-08-2010, 12:09 PM
That is the way I was reading it under guidelines as well. I just wanted to make sure because I kept seeing guys say they were going to hold out on posting a review. I would prefer timely reviews over ones that are over a month old. Thanks CC, and congrats on the mod position.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Its not productive for any of us to hold off posting reviews and with the system set up the way it is, theres no reason not to post it immediately. The entire community will benefit from timely reviews, particularly as we have so many touring/traveling ladies in this part of the world. A month from now they will be long gone!

Thanks for your congrats too!