

am I missing something here?

#18 - Multiple handles are not permitted, unless in certain circumstances are expressly approved by staff in advance on a case-by-case basis. Action will be taken in cases where staff finds multiple handles are being used for deceptive reasons, to carry out an agenda (promotion or trashing of another), or to return to the board following a previous suspension or ban.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
I'm missing it here Cash. What are you saying? Does she have another handle on ECCIE?
I may be confused, but April has not allways been http://eccie.net/member.php?u=709 Just wondering how the name change works.
And buy the way, she is DDG just not enough GFE for me.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
I dunno. If you can point me to another currently active acct for her, please do so, otherwise its a dead issue.