So, How Credible Is 3D Accuser Swetnick...?

I B Hankering's Avatar
Watch the video @ 19:50 and see Swetnick's ex-boyfriend call Swetnick a liar and being much too fond of lawsuits.
rexdutchman's Avatar
NONE of the accusers are CREDIBLE AT ALL , just saying
the little girl fake voice of ford and her mannerisms and her memory fogs, both current and distant, and her "fear of flying" showed me all I needed to know about her

besides all the actual objective evidence being against her

and there is a list of her inconsistencies....will get that list

All the below courtesy of John Nolte:

In a suburban home in Maryland there was no downstairs bathroom?

She didn’t hear two very drunk and belligerent boys try to sneak up on her?

Why was music already on in a room no one was using?

Wouldn’t blasting the music ensure someone came upstairs to see what was going on, especially whoever’s house it was? This is completely counterintuitive to criminal behavior.

After she locked herself in the bathroom, Brett and Mark didn’t try to get at her? Didn’t jiggle the doorknob? Didn’t try to claim they were kidding? All tuned up for a rape, they just gave up and went downstairs like nothing happened?

She left without telling her best friend?

She left without WARNING her friend there were two rapists in the house?

No one asked why she was leaving or found it strange enough to ask her the following day why she just vanished from the party?

She can remember how many beers she had (one) but not whose house she was in, how she got home, the date, the place, how many people were there (sometimes it’s 4, or 5 or 6), or anything solid?

From A to Z she has aligned herself with the far-left. Look at the politicians and newspaper (Washington Post) she approached, the highly partisan lawyers she hired, and the talking points she parrots to stall Kavanaugh’s confirmation (afraid to fly, demanding an FBI investigation).

She lied about her fear of flying. There is no question about this. In order to stall the Committee, her attorneys claimed the 1982 event had so damaged Dr. Ford she cannot be in confined spaces, most especially an airplane; so the hearing would have to wait a week. But now we know she flies all the time. Without being sarcastic, you can call her a world traveler. She travels the world for pleasure. Travel is her passion.

There is no clean way to lay out exactly what happened, but there is no doubt Dr. Ford’s activist lawyers received the Committee’s offer to fly out to California to meet with Ford in private, and that Team Ford turned down this offer for mercenary reasons: to slow down the confirmation process (the number one goal of Democrats) and to avoid an in-depth interview of Dr. Ford by a skilled professional.

Every single witness — Every. Single. One. — named by Ford refutes her testimony. Every person she named as being at that house party either says they remember no such thing or that it did not happen. One of those witnesses is her lifelong friend, Leland Ingham Keyser, which bring me to something that must be said…

Again, I know I am not supposed to say this, but I thought Dr. Ford’s mask slipped more than a little when, during her Thursday testimony, she dropped her lifelong friend in the grease and did so in front of the whole world. Ford basically called Keyser a liar who was too sickly and ill to bother to tell the truth.

This may be a small thing, but a college professor with a PhD doesn’t know what “exculpatory” means?

Dr. Ford’s polygraph is a joke. She was only asked two very broad questions about a “statement” — Is any part of your statement false? Did you make up any part of your statement? — Because she will not supply video or audio of the polygraph session, how can we know what statement she was asked about? There were no specific questions about the actual event, Kavanaugh, or an attempted sexual assault.
Polygraphs are sketchy enough, this one is a farce.

Ford refuses to give the Committee her therapist’s notes, even after she showed them (or part of them) to the Washington Post. When your credibility is on the line, you hold nothing back.

And so…
How Christine Blasey Ford can sound credible to anyone interested in facts, consistency, corroboration, witness testimony, fairness, due process, the Constitution, or evidence is beyond my comprehension.

Courtesy of the Gateway Pundit:

Christine Ford told Congress, the Washington Post and her far left activist lawyers she had memories of Kavanaugh when she put a second front door on her home in 2012 but photos of the property show the door was installed before 2011.

And there is also a record of business operating out of the same address which would explain a second door.

they, Gateway, goes on to talk about Ford mentioning the fact that Mark Judge worked at Safeway for a few weeks the summer between his Junior and senior years in high school

and HOW, just how, could anyone doubt the humble Mrs. Ford as to her 1982 time frame due to that bit of trivia?

only thing is....Mark Judge had mentioned in his biography,, that was circulating and being studied in the left wing milieu for weeks prior to her testimony, that he had worked that summer at a supermarket

and then Ms. Ford went on and talked about how the event damaged her in college..but wait a minute...she had two whole years of high school left after her sophomore year of 1982...

but she didn't mention any harm to those years...only how she fell behind in her college years,,

is it maybe that she glommed onto 1982 so kavanaugh could be blamed in her weakmind..and tried to confirm it with the safeway story she had read about and studied in the last several weeks?

but then flubbed her cover by talking about the trouble she had in college..never mentioning the two years of high school...because maybe something happened to her like in 1984 not 1982 ...long after kavanaugh was gone?

YET all we ever hear is "HOW credible she is".

CREDIBLE my ass.
I feel like the credibility of the accusers, against Judge Kavanaugh, is insufficient to derail his nomination.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
its the seriousness of the charge we must investigate.

where have we heard this before????
Yssup Rider's Avatar
YET all we ever hear is "HOW credible she is".

CREDIBLE my ass. Originally Posted by garhkal
She didn’t have a meltdown in front of a hostile committee room. She is sincere and convincing. Additionally, the anger spewed at her by Republicans May very well drive more women from the party in November than the pussy grabber in Chief..

Kavanaugh proved beyond a shadow of a doubt he doesn’t have the temperament to sit on our highest court for life.

Entitled little prick.
Cmdr Trump's Avatar
Watch the video @ 19:50 and see Swetnick's ex-boyfriend call Swetnick a liar and being much too fond of lawsuits. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

So, your source is:
Laura "I Can't Find A Husband Because of My Adam's Apple and Square Jaw" Ingraham ???!!!
(...shut up and dribble...)

What the HEIL!!!

I B Hankering's Avatar
It's trivially obvious to the literate and intelligently informed that my source is Swetnick's ex-boyfriend, and he called Swetnick a lying, litigious bitch.
Look what I found.

She didn’t have a meltdown in front of a hostile committee room. She is sincere and convincing. Additionally, the anger spewed at her by Republicans May very well drive more women from the party in November than the pussy grabber in Chief..

Kavanaugh proved beyond a shadow of a doubt he doesn’t have the temperament to sit on our highest court for life.

Entitled little prick. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I feel sorry for the FBI agents.