Political Schadenfreude

Munchmasterman's Avatar
The trumpys like to distort things. They are unable to see dividing/boundary lines. The trumpys believe their own projections
Many claim "liberals" are glad the economy and associated items went down the tube and the COVID-19 virus happened. Considering that since all Americans are affected, only trumpys think 55-65% of Americans would trash our country to spite trump. He's a dick, that much is true. But he isn't that big a dick. Figuratively or literally.
Yes, we're all in the shit together. But some of us get to smile and feel no reason to apologize because we can smile. We didn't cause this and we're working to help dig us out. And smiling while we do it.

This is just Political Schadenfreude. And this is the other side of trump winning the election and the damage he has done to our country. His victims are the truth, numerous government depts. are filled with, not only incompetent but actively hostile acting chiefs, an active assault on the press, he demands personal loyalty above the US and the Constitution, etc. There's no point in providing a detailed list beyond this because most on this site won't admit trump is the same lying prick he's been for 40 years.

The major difference between the 2 sides is the pandemic came from outside this country and the other from inside our country from a guy who watches more TV than most Americans, plays a shitload of golf, spends a huge amount of taxpayer's money going to his country club, and who spends his time at "I love me" rallies.

winn dixie's Avatar
Kinda plays like broken records from the left.......
The Democrats haven't had truth on their said for 30 years
The trumpys like to distort things. They are unable to see dividing/boundary lines. The trumpys believe their own projections
Many claim "liberals" are glad the economy and associated items went down the tube and the COVID-19 virus happened. Considering that since all Americans are affected, only trumpys think 55-65% of Americans would trash our country to spite trump. He's a dick, that much is true. But he isn't that big a dick. Figuratively or literally.
Yes, we're all in the shit together. But some of us get to smile and feel no reason to apologize because we can smile. We didn't cause this and we're working to help dig us out. And smiling while we do it.

This is just Political Schadenfreude. And this is the other side of trump winning the election and the damage he has done to our country. His victims are the truth, numerous government depts. are filled with, not only incompetent but actively hostile acting chiefs, an active assault on the press, he demands personal loyalty above the US and the Constitution, etc. There's no point in providing a detailed list beyond this because most on this site won't admit trump is the same lying prick he's been for 40 years.

The major difference between the 2 sides is the pandemic came from outside this country and the other from inside our country from a guy who watches more TV than most Americans, plays a shitload of golf, spends a huge amount of taxpayer's money going to his country club, and who spends his time at "I love me" rallies.

Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Do you believe China had an obligation to warn the world sooner about the virus, and their failure to do so cost us lives?
Typical left wing drivel.

During the debates, I’m sure President Trump will remind the Country hoe the Democrats insist on siding with the Communist Thugocracy that rules China.

“China good, Trump bad”.........yeh, that’s going to play well in the Heartland.
  • oeb11
  • 05-21-2020, 08:35 AM
I applaud the Lefties for promulgating their "China Good" propaganda - they thoroughly underestimate the US population as "deplorables" in their elitism and arrogance.

Biden /Abrams ticket

It will get the same fate as 2016 - to the surprise of the NY and kalifornia/west coast elitists.
HedonistForever's Avatar

Many claim "liberals" are glad the economy and associated items went down the tube and the COVID-19 virus happened. Considering that since all Americans are affected, only trumpys think 55-65% of Americans would trash our country to spite trump.

Originally Posted by Munchmasterman

How does that saying go "There are non so blind as those that will not see".

I don't have to think it, I'm told it by my Democrat friends, I see it and here it from "prominent people" all the time. My neighbor is such a zealot, she told me a second wave of the virus would be worth it if it meant Trump wouldn't get elected which from what I see and hear, is the prevailing attitude in much of the Democrat party.


How Many Dems Agree With Bill Maher's Recession Wish?

Rather than rooting on the strong economy, Democrats have taken to ignoring it, belittling it or, like Bill Maher did over the weekend, rooting for a recession. The extent to which Trump critics will go is truly mind-boggling.


A Virus Spreads, Stocks Fall, and Democrats See an Opening to Hit Trump

The president’s response to rising fears over coronavirus has given his would-be opponents a chance to attack his biggest strength with voters: economic stewardship.
  • oeb11
  • 05-21-2020, 10:42 AM
As the DPST Creed - never let a good crisis (opportunity to inflict our "vision") go to waste.

Thank rep clyburn for vocalizing what they want not exposed.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
It's easy for you to lie. You have lots of practice.
Now back on topic chumly.
Typical left wing drivel.

During the debates, I’m sure President Trump will remind the Country hoe the Democrats insist on siding with the Communist Thugocracy that rules China.

“China good, Trump bad”.........yeh, that’s going to play well in the Heartland. Originally Posted by Jackie S
What are you babbling about now?
Stop lying. trump has been pushing propaganda since this has started and you apologists make me sick.
And you are so upset you forgot to use your stupid acronym.
Your husband's panties must be in a wad.
Get back on topic, 4 eyes.
I applaud "China Good" pda - they thoroughly underestimate the US population as "deplorables" in their elsm and arroce.

Biden /Abrams ticket

It and coast eists. Originally Posted by oeb11
Cry me a river, boy. Who cares what your Florida butt boys say? A registered independent? Whatever you say.

Who voted you most reasonable?
You won't call trump a liar or point out any of his lies.
You're a trumpy that is afraid to admit it.
It's no surprise friends of yours hate America.

How does that saying go "There are non so blind as those that will not see".

I ple" all the time. the preling ate in much of the /SIZE][/B]

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Originally Posted by HedonistForever
It's tough to ignore a crisis when that'sall there is.
Remember our last head to head?
You still have my hand print on your face.
You claimed trump's drug was FDA approved. Then you doubled down on stupid.
I can go get it if you want.

Easy to see you have nothing to do what near 30 posts a day. Maybe you should spend more time fact checking? Or maybe finding those WaPo stories you always cry about.

Let's get back on topic now.
Is that okay with you, asshole?
As the DPST Creed - never let a good crisis (opportunity to inflict our "vision") go to waste.

Thank rep clyburn for vocalizing what they want not exposed. Originally Posted by oeb11
Redhot1960's Avatar
It's easy for you to lie. You have lots of practice.
Now back on topic chumly.

What are you babbling about now?
Stop lying. trump has been pushing propaganda since this has started and you apologists make me sick.
And you are so upset you forgot to use your stupid acronym.
Your husband's panties must be in a wad.
Get back on topic, 4 eyes.

Cry me a river, boy. Who cares what your Florida butt boys say? A registered independent? Whatever you say.

Who voted you most reasonable?
You won't call trump a liar or point out any of his lies.
You're a trumpy that is afraid to admit it.
It's no surprise friends of yours hate America.

It's tough to ignore a crisis when that'sall there is.
Remember our last head to head?
You still have my hand print on your face.
You claimed trump's drug was FDA approved. Then you doubled down on stupid.
I can go get it if you want.

Easy to see you have nothing to do what near 30 posts a day. Maybe you should spend more time fact checking? Or maybe finding those WaPo stories you always cry about.

Let's get back on topic now.
Is that okay with you, asshole?
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman

Karen: I want to speak, to the manager, NOW!

Budman's Avatar
The trumpys like to distort things. They are unable to see dividing/boundary lines. The trumpys believe their own projections
Many claim "liberals" are glad the economy and associated items went down the tube and the COVID-19 virus happened. Considering that since all Americans are affected, only trumpys think 55-65% of Americans would trash our country to spite trump. He's a dick, that much is true. But he isn't that big a dick. Figuratively or literally.
Yes, we're all in the shit together. But some of us get to smile and feel no reason to apologize because we can smile. We didn't cause this and we're working to help dig us out. And smiling while we do it.

This is just Political Schadenfreude. And this is the other side of trump winning the election and the damage he has done to our country. His victims are the truth, numerous government depts. are filled with, not only incompetent but actively hostile acting chiefs, an active assault on the press, he demands personal loyalty above the US and the Constitution, etc. There's no point in providing a detailed list beyond this because most on this site won't admit trump is the same lying prick he's been for 40 years.

The major difference between the 2 sides is the pandemic came from outside this country and the other from inside our country from a guy who watches more TV than most Americans, plays a shitload of golf, spends a huge amount of taxpayer's money going to his country club, and who spends his time at "I love me" rallies.

Originally Posted by Munchmasterman

You are full of shit. First off 55% plus of Americans are not leftist. Second it's not the average Joe that has been laid off or is looking at losing his business that wants the economy to crash. It's the Pelosi's, Schumer's, Clinton's, Biden's... that want this to continue. They believe that this is the only way they can defeat Trump. Term limits is the only thing that will defeat Trump. He will be gone on appx 4.5 years. Enjoy your time wallowing in self pity.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
And you aren't full of shit? You claim to know what the majority of the population believes and that they wanted the economy to crash. So you're an asshole too.
You choose to believe "leftists" wanted the economy to crash. That's the trumpy narrative. All liberals aren't leftists. I used presidential disapproval %.
I didn't say you and the trumpys want the economy to crash.
I said you and the trumpys claim liberals want the economy to crash. That's your mantra.
You have no proof other than your talking points that anybody wanted the economy to crash.
It looks like you don't understand this thread. It's called a silver lining.

You believe trump doesn't lie and nothing I can say will change that.
And you won't believe the evidence that trump lies.
I can live with that. Is that what you misidentified as self-pity? I can live with that too.
You are full of shit. First off 55% plus of Americans are not leftist. Second it's not the average Joe that has been laid off or is looking at losing his business that wants the economy to crash. It's the Pelosi's, Schumer's, Clinton's, Biden's... that want this to continue. They believe that this is the only way they can defeat Trump. Term limits is the only thing that will defeat Trump. He will be gone on appx 4.5 years. Enjoy your time wallowing in self pity. Originally Posted by Budman

You have no proof other than your talking points
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
So you start a Trump/Trump supporter attack thread with nothing but anecdotal statements, statistics with absolutely no backing, and simple raw hatred of Trump supporters.

Then take some high road about another poster having no proof when his actual statements were that you were overblowing the statistics and simply stating a reasoned discussion.

But I understand your penchant for getting irritated when your own bullshit is exposed.

Many of your leftist brethren have joined the "BAND" as a result of the same sort of hatred and reaction when called out.

And many of them both in the "BAND" and a few who have still escaped joining, have indeed shown glee and happiness at the Wuhan Virus deaths and the effect on the economy in their posts.
  • oeb11
  • 05-24-2020, 05:54 PM
Amen - EL!!!!
Any opinion not of the DPST narrative - They dismiss as "talking points".
They know not "Facts" - only their narrative propaganda.