Biden's average approval rating slips below 50% for the first time since taking office

  • oeb11
  • 08-18-2021, 12:53 PM

Taya Kyle blasts Biden’s Afghan ‘atrocity’: Who would want to partner…

Biden approval rating falls below 50% for first time in his presidency, polling…

© Nicholas Kamm/AFP via Getty Images US President Joe Biden speaks on the economy at Cuyahoga Community College Manufacturing Technology Center in Cleveland, Ohio, on May 27, 2021. Nicholas Kamm/AFP via Getty Images
  • Biden's average approval rating has fallen below 50% for the first time since he took office.
  • The president's FiveThirtyEight average approval rating declined to 49.3%, with 44.2% disapproving.
  • As recently as July 26, Biden's FiveThirtyEight approval average sat at 52.7%.
  • See more stories on Insider's business page.
President Joe Biden's average approval rating has fallen below 50% for the first time since he took office, according to the FiveThirtyEight and Real Clear Politics polling trackers.
The president's FiveThirtyEight average approval declined to 49.3%, while his disapproval rating sits at 44.2%.
Biden, whose presidency has largely been defined by his efforts to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, has seen his numbers slip with the emergence of the Delta variant.
However, for months, there has been a gradual decline in Biden's numbers in the FiveThirtyEight average - on February 22, shortly after taking office, his approval rating was at 54.7%, with 38.1% disapproving.
As recently as July 26, Biden's FiveThirtyEight approval average was 52.7%, with an average of 42.7% of respondents disapproving.

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A FiveThirtyEight analysis also pointed out that the president's approval had been slipping among independent voters - an important part of his 2020 electoral coalition.

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Biden's approval rating on Monday slipped below 50% for the first time in the RealClearPolitics average of polls. It now sits at 49.4%, wth 47.2% disapproving of the president's performance.
That same day, Reuters/Ipsos released a poll showing that Biden's national approval rating had slipped to 46%, a notable dip from the president's 53% approval rating in its Friday polling.
The development comes after a weekend which saw the Afghan capital city of Kabul fall to the Taliban amidst the US withdrawing from the country nearly 20 years after the start of the Afghanistan war in 2001.
While support for the war had deteriorated precipitously over the years, the full scale of the reaction among the American electorate will likely continue to be revealed across polling in the coming days.
Looking back at Biden's immediate predecessors, former President Donald Trump had an approval rating of 37.8% in the FiveThirtyEight polling average on August 18, 2017, while his disapproval rating sat at 55.4%.
In a mid-August 2009 Gallup poll, former President Barack Obama had a 54% approval rating, with 40% disapproving, which was consistent with his Real Clear Politics at the time - which featured a polling average of 53.5% approval and 40.1% disapproval.
Read the original article on Business Insider

When teh Communist BI panders against fiden - One must take pause.

the 'rating' - doubtless include a +20% fudge factor favorable for any DPST - including the fiden crime cabal.

Seems they are heading toward KumHoela as POTUS - why???
she is a communist seditionist to America - just as her parents. A marxist indoctrinee.

When teh DPST cognosceti want something - there is a reason
It spells danger to Freedom and representative democracy in America.

Biden's ouster may now be pre-ordained - what follow may well be much, much Worse.

DPST communists - "from my cold, dead hands"!
Jacuzzme's Avatar
That dumbfuck was never near 50%. Those polls are gaslighting, just like they were for the last 2 elections.
... Blimey! ... How's his Presidency working out for most Americans??

#### Salty
HedonistForever's Avatar
Biden is closer to 30 than he has ever been and, I predict, he will have the lowest approval of any President in history before this clown show ends.

Sixty-nine percent of Americans disapprove of Biden's handling of inflation: poll

Nearly 70 percent of Americans say they disapprove of how President Biden is handling inflation, according to a new ABC News-Ipsos poll released on Sunday.
The poll found that 69 percent of Americans disapprove of how Biden has handled inflation, while only 28 percent said they approve. Along party lines, 94 percent Republicans said they disapprove, while 54 percent of Democrats said the same. Among independent voters, 71 percent disapprove.

When it came to the economic recovery, 57 percent said they disapprove of Biden's performance so far.

ABC News noted that Biden's approval ratings also dropped when it came to crime and gun violence, with 36 and 32 percent of those surveyed approving of his handling of those issues.

Biden disapproval hits new high as voters give him bad grades on economy, new CNBC/Change poll says

Biden’s approval rating is now at 44%, down from 46% in September and 51% in April.

That's a Trump number but with Biden, it's going to get even worse.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
... Blimey! ... How's his Presidency working out for most Americans??

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
How’s it working out for Aussies?

Biden's numbers are still and always will be higher than trumpy lol n omg n wtf...truth hurts liers that are tooo stupid to admit it dah

Yes I do say n know so
get a fucking clue cartel dummies