Bargain Days on Hooker Hill

Did some recon after a late dinner in the 'ville. The market already has reacted to the reimposition of the USFK curfew in response to the 2 recent rape charges levelled at a couple of GIs. 1. No personnel are going to the Hill venues even in the non- curfew hours (when the juicy bars are stll off-limits - although that din't stop them earlier, apparently the likelihood of enhanced enforcement now has had a chilling effect. 2. Providers have noticed and are really hustling for custom, coming out to buttonhole prospects. A couple of the top providers seem to be intent on riding out the low currents w/out making any concessions, but everyone else seems to be almost panicking and offering substantial discounts w / out even being asked. It'll be interesting to see if this also holds true on Fri and Sat nights. Even if not chances are good that lower prices will be available at all other times.
nephilim6mg's Avatar
Hard to believe that even the non-curfew hours are affected. 'Course, closer you get to the DMZ, the more chances soldiers take just to get laid. Definitely makin' it to Seoul next week before I head back Stateside!
I hear you, but I guess people are being extra-cautious because of the increased risk of enforcement of the no-go rules re known brothels that are in effect curfew or no.
I should also note that there are no "non-curfew" hours these days; the ville is simply off-limits. Period. Rumor is the old curfew hours may be reinstated next month. I wouldn't hold my breath.
USFK curfew has been extended to 6 Jan. So many the Hill will still be giving discounts to get customers for a couple of months longer.
Well, i think it's now safe to predict that the curfew will be extended indefinitely and made even more restrictive. Early Tuesday AM, a trooper out past curfew and in an off-limits hooch on Hooker Hill apparently had a disagreement with the SP over the fee. He lost it, poured kerosene over the space heater and threw a match on it. The resulting fire destroyed the club and 4 other adjacent ones. The moron was caught on CCTV, apprehended and is facing charges. The good news is that prices now may remain lower longer. The bad news is that at least 7-10 providers are also likely to be out of the rotation, at least for awhile and, unless they find spots in the remaining clubs, prices might be adversely affected. Also, like last night, the area will be crawling with MPs and local LEOs.