For your viewing pleasure

CharmingChameleon's Avatar
Just saw this girl on the cover of Austin Fit magazine. Jamie Eason, fitness model. Just one word -- Damn!

Schmafty's Avatar
I suddenly have the urge to attend Georgia Tech.
rekcaSxT's Avatar

She looks familiar. Is she a Lingerie Football League girl?
Flynnanigans's Avatar
As an Atlanta native, I can assure you that she is not representative of Georgia Tech girls... ;p
TxDreamer's Avatar
Wow!!... Very Nice
Didn't go to Georgia Tech but UT had some hotties too..
Very nice, but imho she does need to lay off the bicep curls just a little bit!
TxSacker, er, I mean, RekcaSxt (your new handle reminds me of that little guy in the old Superman cartoons), she looks familiar to me too --- I think when I close my eyes and beat one out, she's who I always see.

TGFBI - you're freakin' kidding, right? Now, if you want to attack her for that vein in her hip, which I find a bit of a turnoff, I'm okay with that. But her biceps? Sure, they're bigger than mine, but I've got no issue with that.
No worries SS Man, definitely not attacking her, I likes me a hardbody, but no, not kidding, in my opinion her biceps are a little too big for my tastes (but dey ain't near as big as mine!) Speaking from a former bodybuilder's perspective, her arm development is way above the rest of her musculature. From a contest perspective, she needs to up her lat development significantly to bring her physique into more symmetry. But, since this is a sex-oriented site and not a bodybuilding one, who freaking cares, right? I would definitely do her any day of the week and twice on Sundays!
[QUOTE=Sunsetman;29178] she looks familiar to me too ---

They ALL look like that when the bar is about to close.
j.galt's Avatar
Nice!.. things are looking better over here already.. so how much does she like as a gift and how do I contact her?