Company Behind Shooting Targets Of Children, Pregnant Women And Elderly Gun Owners Received $2 Million From DHS

SEE3772's Avatar
Fuckin.hell, pregnant,young,old....if you are pointing a gun at a get half a sec at best to drop your weapon. Then you SHOULD be shot if you decide not to do so.

Policing is a dangerous job.if it means coming out of a situation alive....Better to be on suspension than dead.

Im quite sure that if a pregnant woman draws down on me or mine.....she will be put down. Same goes for anyone 8-108.
Better you than me or mine.

Anyone who says different is playing devils advocate.or you value strangers more than your own.
Most of those posters depict "DON'T SHOOT" situations.

The ostensible target clearly has the drop on the shooter in all but two (the young kid and the young girl).

The older woman, in particular, is full-on ready: if the shooter moves a muscle, he is going to stop at least two rounds in his center of mass.

The old geezer is at ready arms with a double-barrel: firing from right there would quite possibly wing the shooter, and all he has to do is pull the weapon a bit right and up and the shooter gets an instant colander treatment.

The pregnant woman is likely only going to get one shot off, as the recoil is going to put her off-target for her second shot. She's still dangerous.

The rugrat and the young girl need some training, but they're STILL a bigger threat to the shooter than he is to them.
JCM800's Avatar
Image violation, CC

shouldn't those other kids be armed?
joe bloe's Avatar
At least now we know why the federal government is buying billions of bullets. It's so they can shoot at targets of children, pregnant women and old people.