A story to end the abortion debate and silence the murderers forever

LovingKayla's Avatar
Very strong stuff.

Old Dingus
jbravo_123's Avatar
Agreed, strong emotional stuff, but I don't think it's going to change the opinions of anyone who has strong feelings on the subject.
The irony of the Repubs stance is that they want these babies to be born into a world where the parents do not want them, but then they want to cut spending of every single program that would allow them to live after they were born. I wish the two parties would switch their stance on this issue, Dems go pro-life and Repubs go pro-choice. At least then it would make some sense.
jbravo_123's Avatar
The irony of the Repubs stance is that they want these babies to be born into a world where the parents do not want them, but then they want to cut spending of every single program that would allow them to live after they were born. I wish the two parties would switch their stance on this issue, Dems go pro-life and Repubs go pro-choice. At least then it would make some sense. Originally Posted by nwarounder
Yeah, or that they feel like they're being forced to pay for the living standards of other people, but they're fine forcing a woman to have another being feeding off of her body against her will.

There's also the dichotomy of their generally anti-abortion and pro-death penalty stance.

There's that saying that Conservatives only care about you before you're born and after you're 18.

We need the pro-death party! Pro-abortion and pro-death penalty!
I guess I missed it. The Republicans cut funding on private adoptions?

Old Dingus
jbravo_123's Avatar
I guess I missed it. The Republicans cut funding on private adoptions?

Old Dingus Originally Posted by Old Dingus
Also, it's not like even adoption is a good solution. There are all sorts of problem with our adoption system and of course, this all costs taxpayer money as well.

Carrying a fetus until birth isn't a guaranteed safe situation for the health of the mother. Even if it is successfully delivered, there's still great physical, emotional, and financial strain upon the mother as well.

We're not even talking about additional issues such as cases of rape or incest (which I believe the proposed Texas law that was recently filibustered does not allow exceptions for).
I guess I missed it. The Republicans cut funding on private adoptions?

Old Dingus Originally Posted by Old Dingus
Last time I checked the foster care system is overrun with kids that nobody wants. Nice theory, when we don't have a foster care system, your theory may hold some water, but until then you are simply misinformed and the assumption that they will be adopted is false.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
My sister adopted two children from the foster system. She votes republican. Not only that, her husband's nephew stayed on with her after the divorce. Three childen that were "unwanted"; one was a junior criminal, one has severe personality problems, and one is developmentally slow. Quite a load for a working single mom.

NWA, you are repeating fairy tales and believing they are facts.
My sister adopted two children from the foster system. She votes republican. Not only that, her husband's nephew stayed on with her after the divorce. Three childen that were "unwanted"; one was a junior criminal, one has severe personality problems, and one is developmentally slow. Quite a load for a working single mom.

NWA, you are repeating fairy tales and believing they are facts. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
"An estimated 400,540 children and youth were in foster care on September 30, 2011, according to the Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System (AFCARS) preliminary report released July, 2012."

That's not my idea of a fairy tale, it's a nightmare for these children. I understand you trying to be a good little conservative, and it's very noble of your relatives, but everyone needs to wake up.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-28-2013, 10:51 AM
The irony of the Repubs stance is that they want these babies to be born into a world where the parents do not want them, but then they want to cut spending of every single program that would allow them to live after they were born. I wish the two parties would switch their stance on this issue, Dems go pro-life and Repubs go pro-choice. At least then it would make some sense. Originally Posted by nwarounder

totally amazing isn't it?

save the kids
put them through hell by cutting funding that keeps them alive

all for political issues .. translation

rail about educating them,,
how much it costs taxpayers to support them
then blame it all on the dems
http://f2photographybylexi.wordpress...-joshua-fretz/ Originally Posted by LovingKayla
It will change absolutely nothing.

Women getting abortions already know this, by and large. So do the doctors who perform the abortions. So do the politicians who provide funding and legal protection.

They simply do not care.
jbravo_123's Avatar
My sister adopted two children from the foster system. She votes republican. Not only that, her husband's nephew stayed on with her after the divorce. Three childen that were "unwanted"; one was a junior criminal, one has severe personality problems, and one is developmentally slow. Quite a load for a working single mom.

NWA, you are repeating fairy tales and believing they are facts. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
While there are certainly success stories, it doesn't change the actual fact that our foster care system is currently both overloaded and underfunded.

That's not to say abortion is an ideal solution, but to say "hey, just give the baby up for adoption and everything will be ok" is oversimplification at best.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-28-2013, 12:04 PM
My sister adopted two children from the foster system. She votes republican. Not only that, her husband's nephew stayed on with her after the divorce. Three childen that were "unwanted"; one was a junior criminal, one has severe personality problems, and one is developmentally slow. Quite a load for a working single mom.

NWA, you are repeating fairy tales and believing they are facts. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You make the point for abortion, you are just to biased to see it.

Kids nobody wants...a junior criminal, one with severe personality problems and a retard. That is wtf you wind up with when women have unwanted children.

That's not to say abortion is an ideal solution, but to say "hey, just give the baby up for adoption and everything will be ok" is oversimplification at best. Originally Posted by jbravo_123
No JD's sister adopted a criminal, a retard and a antisocial PD.So that means that the morning after pill and any other form of abortion should be outlawed.