Obama may budge on the debt ceiling

Here is the link:


Make of it what you will.

Key quote:
After weeks of near silence without any hint of a potential compromise between the Obama administration and congressional Republicans over raising the nation's debt ceiling, the White House may be offering some conciliatory language that could help lead to a deal to prevent a potential default on October 17.
As recently as Friday, White House officials declined to specify any demand for the length of a deal to increase the nation's debt ceiling.
Then on Monday, a White House official said it was up to Congress to decide how long the debt ceiling increase should last.
"It is up to Congress to pass a debt limit increase, and up to them for how long and when they want to deal with this again," the official told CNN. "We have been super clear we think longer is better because it lends more certainty."
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
They need to just do away with the debt ceiling. They never adhere to it, and all it does is give the parties a platform on which to grandstand. It's meaningless. If they had an ounce of fiscal responsibility or integrity a debt ceiling would be unnecessary.
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  • CJ7
  • 10-07-2013, 03:25 PM
They need to just do away with the debt ceiling. They never adhere to it, and all it does is give the parties a platform on which to grandstand. It's meaningless. If they had an ounce of fiscal responsibility or integrity a debt ceiling would be unnecessary. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

welcher ... just like you to want to not pay the $$ we've spent

and you yammer about fiscal responsibility ???

yeah right.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
welcher ... just like you to want to not pay the $$ we've spent

and you yammer about fiscal responsibility ???

yeah right. Originally Posted by CJ7
Making stuff up about me again, eh?
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  • 09-06-2017, 06:50 AM
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Who's gonna get the message to TryWeakly to stop spamming this forum.
All he's done since LLiarMan brought him over from the Houston forum is bump this one thread.

Each time he bumps, this shit is happening.

Thanks, LLiarMan, for everything.

Now go fuck yourself, and your little dog too,

Oh yeah ... got any naked pictures of your Mama?
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