Hobbyist political affiliation

I wonder what political party most hobbyists lean towards? I myself am a registered republican, but lean more towards the middle of the spectrum as far as issues go. After getting into the hobby I have started to become more liberal on certain issues. Anyone here a registered republican?
Most are registered hate mongers.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Well, you have Eva's position, the idiot position.

Progressives (forget the old democrat label) want to control people and have been going about it for over a hundred years. Over that time they have denied women the right to vote because "scientifically, women could not handle it), they denied black people the right to vote (same reasoning), they practiced eugenics on wards of the state, they started programs that forced people to act or eat a certain way in order to be helped, they started programs to eliminate the undesirables from society, one abortion at a time, and they passed laws taking private money (through confiscatory taxes) to use for more programs that take away freedoms in the pretense of helping. Like I said, they want to control people for "their own good".

The republicans are a lighter form of the former democrats. They beleive that certain government programs administered against the will of the people will be fine over time as the people adjust to the new paradigm. They do believe in a little more personal freedom as long as it doesn't get in the way of their new programs.

Conservatives believe in shackling government. We understand that government, like any bureaucracy, is alive and wants to grow. As it grows, personal freedoms have to make way for a new program. Conservatives believe in the most personal freedom except for lilbertarians (but they have their own problems trying sync their beliefs into one agenda). As for the moral question and hobbying, liberals, conservatives, democrats, and republicans all have people in their ranks that oppose some kind of sin.. They just define that sin differently. Actions to correct that sin are usually local in nature.

I myself am a conservative, a constitutionalist conservative, and the situation being what it is I am currently a registered republican. I have petitioned my local representatives to change the prostitution laws which I don't think our closet libs have ever done.
Well, you have Eva's position, the idiot position.

Progressives (forget the old democrat label) want to control people and have been going about it for over a hundred years. Over that time they have denied women the right to vote because "scientifically, women could not handle it), they denied black people the right to vote (same reasoning), they practiced eugenics on wards of the state, they started programs that forced people to act or eat a certain way in order to be helped, they started programs to eliminate the undesirables from society, one abortion at a time, and they passed laws taking private money (through confiscatory taxes) to use for more programs that take away freedoms in the pretense of helping. Like I said, they want to control people for "their own good".

The republicans are a lighter form of the former democrats. They beleive that certain government programs administered against the will of the people will be fine over time as the people adjust to the new paradigm. They do believe in a little more personal freedom as long as it doesn't get in the way of their new programs.

Conservatives believe in shackling government. We understand that government, like any bureaucracy, is alive and wants to grow. As it grows, personal freedoms have to make way for a new program. Conservatives believe in the most personal freedom except for lilbertarians (but they have their own problems trying sync their beliefs into one agenda). As for the moral question and hobbying, liberals, conservatives, democrats, and republicans all have people in their ranks that oppose some kind of sin.. They just define that sin differently. Actions to correct that sin are usually local in nature.

I myself am a conservative, a constitutionalist conservative, and the situation being what it is I am currently a registered republican. I have petitioned my local representatives to change the prostitution laws which I don't think our closet libs have ever done. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Here is your first hate monger JD speaking up.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Like I said...
Like you confirmed.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 02-16-2014, 02:48 PM
I wonder what political party most hobbyists lean towards? I myself am a registered republican, but lean more towards the middle of the spectrum as far as issues go. After getting into the hobby I have started to become more liberal on certain issues. Anyone here a registered republican? Originally Posted by almondbutter
First of all, welcome. Brave of you to step into the shark tank within your first two posts!

I am a 40+ year registered independent. I have voted both Dem and Rep at times, probably more Rep than Dem. Certainly more Rep than Dem in presidential votes. I am a fiscal conservative and a social liberal, which means it is difficult to find a candidate I agree with across the board. I am definitely much closer to the middle than most on here, though often in a different way than COG.

Sadly, you will find that JD's reply is rather too common: ignore the question and pontificate instead. Both sides do that here.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Does anyone notice that Old T uses the "I" word a lot. So you can choose between pontification or narcissism. The question was answered which is the important part.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 02-16-2014, 03:43 PM
Does anyone notice that Old T uses the "I" word a lot. So you can choose between pontification or narcissism. The question was answered which is the important part. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
The OP asks what party affiliation people have.

Yes, you did answer the question, and then you ranted on about how anyone who has a different affiliation than yours is just wrong.

I on the other hand, focus on the question asked, and to address MY political affiliation I found it convenient to use the pronoun "I". Do you find that odd? Do you think it would read better in 3rd person? Or should I have answered for someone other than myself?

You are REALLY digging for something to say this time, aren't you?
Does anyone notice that Old T uses the "I" word a lot. So you can choose between pontification or narcissism. The question was answered which is the important part. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Notice how JD was unable to answer the question without a rambling assessment of all parties? It was a wonder he didn't throw in another Happy Birthday to Palin again.
Shut up everybody... JD barely born has a school board meeting to attend.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I'm not in the middle, and it don't pretend to be. I'm not independent, either. I am firmly, 100% on the side of freedom and personal responsibility. Most of the time I side with the Libertarians. But I'm not struggling to decide whether to support the Democrats or Republicans. They are two sides of the same coin. If you take care to look behind the hoopla, behind the smoke and mirrors, on the essential issues of liberty, the Democrats and Republicans stand united against it.
To sum it all up, Ron Paul seems to represent my political beliefs as far as they go. It's too bad he probably won't be running in 2016.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
My statements were preemptive strikes against you stupidity and to inform the asker that democrat and republican don't have the same meaning anymore. Just trying to inform someone.. and you take exception to that? I wonder why that bothers you so much.

Though slightly off topic here is the link where Crist of Florida used to be a republican, became an independent, and is now a democrat. To some, party affliliation matters for nothing except getting elected.
roaringfork's Avatar
I'm not in the middle, and it don't pretend to be. I'm not independent, either. I am firmly, 100% on the side of freedom and personal responsibility. Most of the time I side with the Libertarians. But I'm not struggling to decide whether to support the Democrats or Republicans. They are two sides of the same coin. If you take care to look behind the hoopla, behind the smoke and mirrors, on the essential issues of liberty, the Democrats and Republicans stand united against it. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
That kind of says it for me. An even better summary of my position might be found in the words I've imagined I'd say to the cop if I ever got busted while hobbying: "Officer, I think I'd really enjoy doing what you do for a living, if only it weren't for the fact that I'd have to spend most of my work day telling myself that there's no such thing as a stupid law."

(As a socio-political aside, I'll confess that one of my greatest amusements consists in watching the ladies try to decide among themselves whether this hobby is exploitive or empowering.)