
GTDADDY's Avatar
I have noticed a number of providers are now sporting tattoos on their thighs. Not just small ones and are in a place where only paints and or knee length skirts cover it in public. I'm old and remember when the tattoo over the butt came out and was dubbed the "tramp stamp". I also get the Sanscript, so popular in Hollywood. I also get it that some people just like ink. I was wondering if the thigh tattoos meant anything other than just a tattoo. Maybe a gang thing, a pimps mark, or a "Thigh Master-piece"? Thoughts?
I never heard of using a thigh tattoo as a marker but who knows. i have 4 tattoos all small and easy to.hide. but that's my preference. Tattoos can be really sexy if they are done right..meaning quality work. cheap price almost 90% of the time a bad quality tattoo.
IMO it's a fad. And right now tattoos are in. Have you noticed a slight upswing in providers advertising no tattoos? Can't wait for the look of some 20-30 years from now.
I perfere no tat's but thats just me. I always tip more for no tats and no staples in their lips or noise.
IMO it's a fad. And right now tattoos are in. Have you noticed a slight upswing in providers advertising no tattoos? Can't wait for the look of some 20-30 years from now. Originally Posted by Still Spunky
I like tattoos and I like women who have them. I'll admit there is something to a young girl with a perfect skin, etc., etc... but those chicks can't fuck for shit. Gimme a girl who's been around the block a time or two, isn't afraid of a cumshot and can take the pain of a needle jabbing ink underneath her skin for hours on end. She has the constitution for some real fun between the sheets.

As for it being "a fad", well maybe. But archaeologists have found remains from the neolithic period (about 5000-4000 BC) that have tattoos and other body modifications. So does something that people have been doing for 6 or 7 thousand years really qualify as a fad?

And I get that shit about "What do you think they'll look like when you're 70?!" all the time. I get it. People get old; things fall apart -- the center does not hold, blah, blah, blah. On the other hand, nobody looks good when they're 70. Nobody. I'll be old and pissed off at the world, throwing empties at the neighborhood kids... Who gives a shit if my tattoos don't look great anymore?
Tobor the 8th Man's Avatar
Maybe it's just because I'm old but the entire concept of tattoos on anyone eludes me. Greatly prefer no tats but if I refused to see ladies with tats I'd be in for some slim pickins.
Captain Noc's Avatar
To me they look like blemishes or imperfections. Like a giant birthmark. There's really no “art” to it, in my opinion. It is just a fad, even if the slaves, building the pyramids wore them.

It’s tribal; it’s a desire to make a statement as to who “I” am. To fit in, to be a member of something, like the tuff, cool crowd.

Or a sailor………

To each his own!

Just my opinion……..

aznlvr11's Avatar
And I get that shit about "What do you think they'll look like when you're 70?!" all the time. I get it. People get old; things fall apart -- the center does not hold, blah, blah, blah. On the other hand, nobody looks good when they're 70. Nobody. I'll be old and pissed off at the world, throwing empties at the neighborhood kids... Who gives a shit if my tattoos don't look great anymore? Originally Posted by enderwiggin

I prefer none, but then it depends on the woman. I have seen a couple that I did like. They look good on some women as long as they are not overwhelming and professionally done. Location is important, also.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 02-11-2012, 11:59 AM
No tattoos much better and sexy on a lady. If you don't have any yet ladies do yourself a favor and don't get any.
You can change your hair color or its length. You can change your appearance or the clothes you wear...etc. But for the most part tattoos are permanent. Be careful what you ink.
Sarunga's Avatar
Never liked them....though I can tolerate to some extent.
Yowzer's Avatar
I think a lot of us guys are so called Baby Boomers. For our generation the only ones that had tattoos were sailors and bikers. Tats were considered tacky and trashy, and I think we still think this way. Sure I'm a guy the prefers NO tats.

But for this new generation, its not a big deal. I've thought about when they turn 50, 60, 70+. Well the answer is everyone else will have them too. So, again it won't be as much of a stigma.

My biggest problem with them is the relative permanency of tats. Would any women decide to pick out one, just one, pair of shoes to wear the rest of her life? Or set of earrings, clothes, hair styles, etc. Your tastes change and so do what you think is important. BF/SOs name on you: big big turn off to all guys and do you think that it's really going to last that long?

Maybe my overall objection would be lessened if they used "erasable" tats that could be removed w/o spending a fortune. But I still think that the human body is a beautiful thing, like a lovely pasture with trees. Why mess up a good thing? It's like putting billboards on a great, magnificent landscape. It just flat ruins it.
ICU 812's Avatar
I used to work in a health cae setting and saw lots of tatoos on old patients.

There is nothing sadder looking than a 50 year old hula girl! One patient had three saints tatooed on his chest (nearly life-sized)undergone bypass surgery and they didn't get the faceof the Virgine of Guadalupe lined up right.One guy had a heart with six names tatooed under it . . .each with a line through it.