Elizabeth Warren - She made it official.

Oh the joy! This is a great gift for me this New Years. I should give her a gift too - No Elizabeth - there is no way you would win the Presidency so you should save that money!!heck out this story on CNN: https://www.cnn.com/2018/12/31/polit...020/index.html
  • oeb11
  • 12-31-2018, 08:05 AM
Hey AE - let Pocahontas run. let her spend the money so other candidates cannot.

Of course - her unspoken platform includes Mandatory DNA testing for every person residing in the US
Her Bureau of Genetics will then use the info to regulate the population reproduction toward wanted mixed genetics.

Any person of totally Caucasian genetics will be prohibited - to get the white males out of the gene pool.
She, of course, is taking her cue from 1930's Germany.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
She's a loon.
bamscram's Avatar
The only greater news would be that Trump decides not to run.
  • grean
  • 12-31-2018, 12:13 PM
She'll run....it will probably be a Biden/O'rourke ticket in the general election. I don't think Sanders will run again.

I don't believe with the bad press she's had recently, shetc would make it past the primaries.

She wasn't even running against Trump and fell into his trap that everyone else but her seemed to see....

She's a dumbshit. She might even be stupid enough to run with Clinton....
shes nothing if not political

an exploratory committee to explore

such a fraud

she and julian castro

just come on down the escalator and take a stand
So can we say she's 1/1024th certain of running?
She's in it for the campaign contributions that she will eventually funnel to herself.

Run, Hillary, run! Clinton/Putin2020! Third times a charm.
winn dixie's Avatar
One thing for sure. No matter the candidate for the libs/socialists, they will be well funded by soros!
And so will the election judges in the key precincts in close states! Soros will spend billions.......
She is a goofy old bat

themystic's Avatar
She is a goofy old bat

Originally Posted by friendly fred
She will never make it. Real Democrats don't want her. Trump would defeat her easily
She will never make it. Real Democrats don't want her. Trump would defeat her easily Originally Posted by themystic
You are right again, but I hope she makes it to give Trump a slim chance at winning.

America needs Trump or someone else who is willing to stand up to the liberals to prevent further deterioration of the country.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Trumps got her number.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
So can we say she's 1/1024th certain of running? Originally Posted by Lantern2814
No but I think has a 1/1024 chance of winning.